- Research on
Historical Pollution - Comparative legal responses to environmental crimes
coordinated by CNPDS/ISPAC and conducted by experts from the Catholic University of Milan, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Università della Campania, Naples, University of California, Irvine, Queen Mary University of London, Universität Tübignen, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne;
- Research on
Bribery and the private sector - the role of compliance programs
coordinated by ISPAC/CNPDS and conducted by experts from the Catholic University of Milan, the LUISS University, the Collège de France, the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha and the Northeastern University;
- Research on
Organized Crime Infiltration in Enterprises
- Permanently on research on
Peacekeeping operations and criminal justice, with particular reference to Corrections
research conducted in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-UNODC
- Research on
Fairness and quality of care. A field-study to identify causes of clinical frailty and social vulnerability and to suggest remedial policies among the populations at greatest risk
- Research on
Fragilty and vulnerability in the Health sector. A study in general medicine
- Research on
Forms of savings and migrants
- Research on
Relations between the small and medium-sized companies and the banking system
- Scientific activities within the framework of the
Observatory for a healthy economy
promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan
Research on
- Consumer Credit
- Research on
A model of integrated governance for the prevention of usury in the Milan area
research commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan
- Research on
Urban Transformation, security issues and new risks in the New Trade Fair Rho area
research commissioned by the Province of Milan
- Research on
Construction of a system to analyze risks and formulate scenarios in the field of urban security
research commissioned by the Department in charge of local law enforcement, crime prevention and civil protection of the Region of Lombardy/IReR – Regional Research Institute
- Research on
Investigation on the implementation of integrated urban security policies as perceived by members of the local and national police forces
commissioned by the Regional Council of Lombardy
- Research on
Economic-financial sustainability of health care services, equal access and quality of care: an objective achievable through a strategic alliance between the health care system, researchers and stakeholders
commissioned by the Health Care Department of the Region of Lombardy
- Research on
Competition and efficiency in the awarding of public work
First phase of the research program "Innovative Tender Models"
commissioned by ASSIMPREDIL
Research on
Relations between the small and medium-sized companies and the banking system
in the Milan's metropolitan area
Research on
Relations between the small and medium-sized companies and the banking system
in the Milan's metropolitan area
CNPDS/Province of Milan/Assolombarda
Small and medium enterprises and the banking system: relations in the Milan metropolitan area - 2009
CNPDS/Province of Milan /Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Artisan Association of Milan
Ways to save money and migrants - 2009
Local Urban Security Agreements: investigation and results for the extension of these tools in the field of security - 2009
Fragility and vulnerability in the Health Care System. Research in General Medicine - 2008/09
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy/ Mario Negri Institute /CSeRMEG
Equal access and quality of care. Research in the field in order to identify clinical weaknesses and social vulnerability and to suggest better approaches in high-risk populations - 2008/09
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Observatory for a Healthy Economy
Italian Consumer Credit: Risks and Opportunities - 2007/09
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Province of Milan
Business and the risk of usury - 2007/08
CNPDS/Province of Milan
New processes of social exclusion: the elderly and usury in the Milan metropolitan area - 2007/08
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Migratory fluctuations and human trafficking. A cognitive investigation in diverse regions - 2007/08
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Province of Milan
Urban transformation, security issues and new risks in the Rho area - 2006/07
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Province of Milan
An integrated governing model for the prevention of usury in Milan. The relationship between the legitimate and illegitimate city: an interpretation of usury through the victims’ eyes - 2006/07
Investigation into the creation of integrated policies for city security: the perception of members of the local and national police force - 2006/07
Basic Training Manual for Corrections Officers, published in electronic format on the website (continually updated) - 2006
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Construction of a system to analyze risks and formulate scenarios in the field of urban security - 2006
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Economic-financial sustainability in Health Care Services, equal access and quality of care: objectives achievable through a strategic alliance between health care, research and stakeholders - 2005/06
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Observatory for a Healthy Economy
Analysis of the impact of current fashion market regulations aimed at reducing crime opportunities. Vulnerability of the fashion market to counterfeiting and fraud in Lombardy - 2005
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/Observatory for a Healthy Economy
Innovation and intellectual property law. Technological innovation in Italy - 2005
CNPDS/ Assimpredil
Competition and efficiency in the awarding of public works. Innovative tender models - 2004/05
CNPDS/Mediation Office of the Municipality of Milan
Mediation and juvenile criminal trials. An analysis of the outcome of trials relative to cases sent to the Mediation Office of Milan - 2004
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory for a Healthy Economy
Feasibility study regarding research activities on a healthy economy and its weaknesses - 2003
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
The usury market in Milan: an update after ratification of the new law - 2002/03
CNPDS/Lombardy Regional Council
Urban security and crime prevention in Lombardy - a comparative analysis with other European Regions - 2002/03
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Online Auctions - 2002
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Privacy in E-Commerce - 2002
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Consumer protection in long-distance contractual relationships - 2002
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Consumer protection online - 2002
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Business security on the Internet: - The protection of businesses’ corporate name and image online. Dominion names - Internet abuse by employees and business control policies - Privacy and employee cyber-control: the European context - 2001
CNPDS/Region of Marche
Legality in the Region of Marche. An evolving scenario of micro-crime in the Region of Marche - 1989/99 - 2000/01
CNPDS/Region of Marche
Legality in the Region of Marche. An evolving scenario of economic crime in the Region of Marche - Trends in economic criminal offences and relevant charges - 1989/99
The relations within Europe and between the European Union and the European Council - 2001
Laws against money laundering and to fight economic crime, CEDAM Editor - 2002
Legal instruments in the fight against organized crime: the role of Italy between the European Union and the United Nations - 1998/99
CNPDS/Municipality of Sesto S. Giovanni
Adolescents and territory: How to build relationships and identity. Ways of intervention - 2000/02
CNPDS/Superior Council of Magistrates
The administration of justice and Italian society in 2000: Feasibility study of the interdisciplinary research project - 2001
CNPDS/Municipalities of Cinisello Balsamo, Bresso, Cormano, Cusano Milanino
Families and urban spaces: possible plans for intervention -
CNPDS/Province of Milan
Street Neighbours - A guide to services for foreign women and minors made victims of sexual exploitation - 1999
CNPDS/Province of Milan
We women - A guide to services for female migrants - 1999
CNPDS/Province of Milan
Trafficking of foreign adult women and minors for sexual exploitation - 1997/2000
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
E-commerce and cyber-crimes: products and instruments at risk: - Music pirating: criminal risks and possible solutions - New criminal risks in cyber-finance - Credit Card Fraud: risks and limits of e-commerce - 2000
Culture and innovation between different legal systems- Journal AIDA, n. 2, Giuffrè - 2000
Illuminated management: environment, innovation and culture - 1999
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
The Italian financial market in the Internet: mapping out criminal risks and prevention and control activities - 1999
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Criminal risks linked with the introduction of new technology in the financial sector - juridical and technological instruments to protect the financial market on the Internet - 1999
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Criminal risks linked with the introduction of new technology in the financial sector - risk analyses and case studies - 1999
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Usury in Italy: a geo-criminal interpretation - 1999
The reversal of the onus of proof regarding the apparently illicit derivation of profits and assets in the context of the fight against criminal economy - 1998/2000
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
Neighbourhood police officers’ perception of territory security conditions and of citizens’ demand for security - 1998/99
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
The fight against usury through transnational coordination and quality-oriented enterprise support - The role of the Regions and specifically the Region of Lombardy - 1998/99
CNPDS/Ministry of Labor/European Social Fund
A possible profession - training and educators in enterprises and services - 1998
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Fraud - Law, markets and crime - 1998
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy /Municipality of Milan
Abused minors and institutional culture - 1997/98
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
The application of anti-usury law (n. 108/17 March 1996). Monitoring after 2 years - 1997
CNPDS/Chamber of Commerce of Milan/ Permanent Observatory on Economic Crime and Usury in Lombardy
Victims of usury in Milan: expropriation and trade - 1997
CNPDS/Region of Marche
Perception and evaluation of social security. A pilot study in three territorial contexts - 1997
CNPDS/Ministry of Labor/European Union
Learn through mistakes. Professional training of non-EU citizens in Europe - edited by Riccardo Massa - CUEM Bookshops - 1996
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Exception and rule. The seductive power of adult crime in the history of young people’s lives - edited by S. Stefanizzi - 1996
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice/Municipality of Milan
Migration and crime. The international dimensions of this issue - 1996
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice/Municipality of Milan
Migration and crime in contemporary life and in the Milan metropolitan area - 1996
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
The elderly as a social resource in the future reorganization of the Welfare-State, published in "Quaderni Regionali di Ricerca n. 11", edited by S. Stefanizzi, 1997 - 1995
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Americanization of urban risk and its antibodies - Places, subjects, dynamics of Milan micro-crime - volume II - 1994
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
The weight of disorganized crime in Italy - volume I - 1994
Associative relationships between public administrations and enterprises - Il Mulino - 1994
Europe and juvenile crime - 1993
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Educational migration - Non-EU citizens and education - 1993
Public Administration and privatization models - Il Mulino - 1993
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Risk prevention connected to adolescent isolation and the social use of urban space - 1993
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Organized crime and youth in the Milan area - 1993
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Comparative analysis of socio-educational training courses for employees in the EEC countries - 1993
CNPDS/USSL 29 Bergamo
Images, opinions and the reality of infant abuse in the USSL 29 of Bergamo - 1992
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Women’s Assistance. A guide to Lombardy services for abused women - edited by S. Stefanizzi - 1996
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Society and violence - An investigation on the abuse of women and minors - Regional Council of Lombardy - 1991
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Women’s Assistance - A guide to services for abused women - 1991
Project Milan: Tensions and new needs of a city in transformation - Franco Angeli - 1990
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Training clinics. A research experience - Franco Angeli - 1992
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Texts for training courses of trainers - 1989
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Normal lives. Research on stories about educating youth - published in "Le vite normali", UNICOPLI, 1991 - 1989
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Tenders for public works. An analysis of planning and control issues; published in a book with the same title, Giuffrè Editore, 1995 - 1988/89
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Status of the application of law 4.5.1983 n. 184 regarding the adoption and custody of minors - 1989
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Law provisions and experiences in maxi-trials and admissible evidence of so-called "government witnesses" and their related protection. Comparison with the Italian experience - Published in issues 11 and 12 of Documenti Giustizia, Min.G.G., 1988 - 1987
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
Organized crime in the Milan area - 1986
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
Drug addiction and alternatives to incarceration in the Milan area: the magistrates and the community - 1986
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Youth in Brescia: an investigation of their relationships with school, work and family - 1986
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Milan’s youth: their relationships with school, work and family - 1985
Economic crime - 1985
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Images and treatment of adolescence by Riccardo Massa - 1985; published in a book with the same title by Franco Angeli - 1988
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
The female workforce - 1985
Commission for a study on juvenile justice reform - conclusions by P. Schlesinger - 1984
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
Observatory on juvenile delinquency in the Milan area - 1984
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Economic crime. Analysis of this crime from the point of view of criminal justice and of comparative law, and recommendations regarding legislation and organization, published in a book with the same title by the Ministry of Justice, s.d. - 1983
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
The implementation of point c) of art. 23 of the DPR 616 in the Region of Lombardy and new relationships between judiciary authority and public administration - 1982
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Social-Welfare workers in Lombardy - 1982
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Housing - 1982
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Working conditions following the issue of the Workers’ Statute - 1982
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
Family Law - 1982
CNPDS/Province of Milan
Application of law 431/1967 regarding special adoption in Milan Juvenile Court - published in "Adozione speciale", 1984 - 1981
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
Research on the presence of foreigners in Milan - 1981
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
Observatory on the implementation of Health Care System reforms in the Milan area - 1980
CNPDS/Municipality of Milan
The spread of drug addiction in the Milan area - 1979
CNPDS/Province of Milan
The issues and situation regarding disabled persons in the Province of Milan - 1977
Juvenile delinquency in Lombardy - 1977
CNPDS/Ministry of Justice
First days of European social defense related to economic crime issues - 1977
CNPDS/Region of Lombardy
Local autonomies: the new responsible subjects in juvenile delinquency - 1977