[01-75]   [76-141]   [142-211]   [212-264]   [265-342]   [343-409]  PERIODICALS









Disposizioni relative all’obbligatorietà del riconoscimento materno, alla ricerca della paternità e all’unificazione dei servizi di assistenza per i figli illegittimi
Report of the ordinary Study Committee on the reform of civil legislation (*) - Bill proposed by the on. Bianca Bianchi - 1949 - (typescript) - 32 pages
After strengthening its own organizational structure by forming the various study committees, the CNPDS, starting with this Report its activity as a publisher, gave a greater constructive impetus to its work in the field of studies undertaken on social problems and those arising from the exigencies of the reborn Italian democratic society. The starting-point was provided on this occasion by a study of the Bianchi Bill. Although the principle of mandatory recognition by mothers of their children born out of wedlock was received with some perplexity (contrasting in fact with the policy aimed at controlling abortion), a welcome was given to the inclusion of the institution in the parliamentary process, representing a practical application of the principles of the Constitution.
Final Report of the Chairman of the Committee - General Report on the mandatory recognition of maternity and on the investigation of paternity - Notes on the «Bianca Bianchi Bill» from the point of view of the public welfare services - Juridical notes
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dott. G. Giudice.
Secretary: dott. U. Radaelli.
Jurist members: prof. avv. D. Barbero, prof. avv. C. Grassetti, prof. avv. G. Scherillo.
Sociologist and welfare services expert: sig.ra E. Scarzella Mazzocchi.
Assistenza agli illegittimi abbandonati o esposti all’abbandono e alle gestanti in stato di abbandono: modifica dell’art. 411 C.C.
Report of the ordinary Study Committee on the reform of civil legislation (*) - Bills proposed by the on. Gennai Tonietti and by the on. Dal Canton - 1949 - 22 pages
The relevant Committee of the Centro, still dealing with the problems of illegitimate children, considers in the above-mentioned Report two proposals for legislation and concludes that the first one presents a good solution from the medical-organizational aspect of social assistance for children born out of wedlock, embodying in it the Bianchi Bill (see entry No. 1). A negative assessment, however, is made of the solution proposed by Dal Canton, for the imposition of sanctions upon parents who are slow to recognize their children born out of wedlock.
Final Report of the Chairman of the Committee - The medical-organizational-welfare aspect of the Gennai Tonietti-Migliori Bill - The juridical and pedagogic aspect
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dott. G. Giudice.
Secretaries: dott. A. Caleca, dott. G. Caleca.
Jurist members: prof. avv. D. Barbero, prof. avv. C. Grassetti, dr. P. Pistolesi, prof. avv. G. Scherillo.
Medical members: prof. P. Brusa, dott. G.F. Ambroso.
Sociologists and welfare services members: sig.ra E. Scarzella Mazzocchi, prof.ssa M. Vassalli.
Regolamentazione della prostituzione e della profilassi delle malattie veneree
Report of the ordinary Study Committee (*) - Bill proposed by sen. Angela Merlin and the Senate Committee chaired by sen. Antonio Boggiano Pico - 1949 - (Typescript) - 32 pages
This is the first study of the Committee of the Centro set up to examine problems connected with prostitution. As a starting-point, a study was made of the Merlin Bill, the moral-social, juridical and welfare-hygiene aspects were examined. Also, the abolition of organized exploitation of prostitution is advocated, together with an increase and reinforcement of the public-health and hygiene services, through an adequate practice of medical-hygiene education.
Concluding Report - Report of the Medical, Sociological and Juridical Sub-Committees.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: avv. E. Morandi.
Secretary: dr. B. Sica.
Sociologist members: sen. prof. A. Banfi, prof. C. Musatti, dr.ssa L. Gianni Cattaneo.
Medical members: prof. E. Medea, prof. C. Ducrey, dr. A. Della Beffa, prof. L. Cattaneo,
dr. G.F. Garavaglia, dr. B. Sica.
Jurist members: prof. M. Dondina, dr. D. Medugno, avv. G. Lanzillo, dr. A. De Falco.
Economist member: prof. A. Lanzillo.
Modifiche ed aggiunte al codice di procedura civile
Report of the ordinary Study Committee on the reform of civil procedure (*) - Examination of the text of the Special Committee of the Chamber of Deputies - 1949 - (typescript) - 32 pages
An assessment of the efficiency of the civil procedure system suggested the further research presented in this Report, serving as a starting point for the Committee of the Centro set up for this purpose. Note is taken of the need for easier access to the civil courts in order to respond better to the need for justice felt by the ordinary citizen.
Report of the Chairman of the Study Committee for the reorganization of justice - General comments on the text of the Special Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on changes and additions to the Code of Civil Procedure.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dr. G.A. Raffaelli.
Secretary: dr. U. Radaelli.
Sociologist member: prof. G.M. Bertin.
Medical member: prof. E. Medea.
Jurist members: sen. avv. G. Boeri, prof. avv. E. Garbagnati, prof. avv. N. Jaeger. avv. E. Maino, on. avv. G.B. Migliori, cons. C. Viviani.
La riforma carceraria in Italia e il progetto di regolamento per gli Istituti di prevenzione e pena
Report of the ordinary Study Committee for penitentiary reform (*) - 1949 - 111 pages
The study of reforms to the prison system has been undertaken in greater depth with the participation of jurists, sociologists, doctors and economists. The principles put forward still remain valid in the latest legislative treatment of the subject (1975). Abandoning the punitive aspect of sentences, emphasis should be laid on the rehabilitative and preventive functions.
Final Report of the Chairman of the Committee - Concluding Reports of the Sociological, Social Welfare, Juridical, Medical and Economic Sub-Committees - Observations on the Project by an artist.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: avv. A. Greppi.
Secretary: dr. A. Beria di Argentine.
Sociologist members: sen. prof. A. Banfi, prof. G.M. Bertin, prof.ssa B. Ceva, prof. F. Luzzato, dr. avv. M. Venanzi.
Welfare services experts: dr.ssa S. Sesini Tea, dr.ssa B. Renzi Guastalla, dr.ssa P. Tarugi.
Jurist members: prof. E. Battaglini, dr. D. Medugno, dr. P. Pistolesi, prof. P. Nuvolone, prof. avv. M. Dondina, dr. A. Amati, dr. C. Celoria, dr. P. Curatolo, dr. A. De Falco, dr. A. Donati, dr. G. Jucci.
Medical members: prof. A. Dalla Volta, prof. E. Medea, dr. A. Giordano, dr. A. Della Beffa, prof.ssa L. Gianferrari, prof. D. Cavallazzi, prof. M. Belli, dr. A. Giobbi, dr. G.F. Gara-vaglia, prof. C. Ducrey, dr. V. Tombesi, prof. C.A. Ragazzi.
Economist members: prof. avv. A. Lanzillo, prof. F. Gualtierotti, dr. V. Dagnino.
Artist member: painter and critic M. Radice.
Progetto di riforma della Corte d’Assise
Report of the combined ordinary Study Committees on reform of the Penal Code and of the Code of Criminal Procedure (*) - 1950 - (typescript) - 20 pages
With this study the relevant Committee of the Centro takes note of the various concepts of the relationship between law and society, through the continuing doctrinal analyses of jurists and sociologists, with reference to the participation of the jury in the administration of criminal Justice.
Final Report of the Committee - Report of the Sociological and Medical Committee - Observations of the Juridical, Sociological and Medical Sections.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: prof. avv. G. Delitala.
Secretary: giudice dr. P. Curatolo.
Jurist members: prof. avv. G. Guarneri, prof. avv. S. Ranieri, prof. avv. P. Nuvolone, prof. avv. Mario Dondina, prof. avv. G.D. Pisapia, prof. cons. P. Frisoli, cons. C. Reviglio della Veneria, dott. G..De Matteo, dr. A. Donati, dr. V. Napolitano, dr. A. Amati, avv. A. Crespi.
Sociologist members: sen. prof. A. Banfi, prof. M. Dal Pra.
Medical members: prof. O. Vergani, dr. A. Giordano.
La stampa periodica per ragazzi
Report of the ordinary Study Committee on the press, radio and cinematography for the young (*) - Federici’s Bill - 1950 - 55 pages
Examination of the Federici Bill led the appropriate Committee of the Centro to tackle the theme of periodical publications intended for the young, taking account of the influences over their state of development at various ages, the sex of the readership, current trends and psychological and pedagogic aspects.
Psychological, Medical and Pedagogic, Artistic, Juridical Report - Comic-strips - The «Doxa» Enquiry into public opinion - Concluding Report.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: sen. A. Casati.
Relatore: avv. E. Morandi.
Secretary: dr. A. Beria di Argentine.
Medical members: Padre A. Gemelli, prof. E. Medea.
Sociologist members: sen. prof. A. Banfi, prof. G.M. Bertin, prof. C. Musatti, prof. L. Luzzato Fegiz, prof. F. Corvino, dott.ssa. G. Bozzi.
Jurist members: avv. B. Boneschi, dr. E. Cortese Riva Palazzi, avv. M. Paggi, prof. G.D.
Pisapia, prof. P. Ziccardi.
Editorial and Journalist members: dr. A. Ozzola, avv. G. Salvadori del Prato.
Artist members: painter B. Munari, painter and critic M. Radice.
Prevenzione e repressione della delinquenza minorile
Report of the ordinary Study Committee on the reform of legislation in the juvenile field (*) - Bill introduced by the on. Fazio Longo and the on. Paolucci - 1950 - (typescript) - 37 pages
The CNPDS initiated further study into problems connected with the pressing implications of juvenile delinquency in its various aspects. Examining the Paolucci Bill, the Committee recommends the reinstitution of the judicial pardon, with the opportunity being taken to substitute administrative for security methods by strengthening the activity of the social welfare services and bodies concerned with rehabilitating offenders.
Final Report - Observations of the Juridical Committee on the organization of the courts, in regard to criminal, civil and administrative jurisdiction - Observations of the Medical and Sociological Sections.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: cons. D. Medugno.
Secretaries: dott. A. Dell’Oro and dott.ssa L. Gianni.
Sociologist members: C. Vallardi Mariani, prof. M. Marcazzan, prof. C. Musatti, dott. B. Bonfigli, prof. G.M. Bertin, prof. C. Parmeggiani, prof. G. Calvino.
Medical members: prof. L. Ronzoni, prof. A. Albertini, prof. D. Cavallazzi, dott. G. Morganti, dott. E. Berrini, prof. V. Porta, prof.ssa L. Gianferrari, prof. O. Vergani, prof. M. Cattabeni, dr. A. Colli.
Jurist members: dr. D. Cirincione, avv. M. Caldara, avv. G.M. Cornaggia Medici, dr. T. D’Amico, dr. F. Falletti, avv. L. Paleari, prof. C. Grassetti.
Social welfare experts: sig.ra E. Scarzella Mazzocchi, dott.ssa O. Vallin, sig.ra R. Tacchi, dr. L. Bocconi, on. E. Vigorelli, sig.ra W. Tommolini, on. E. Tonietti, sig. D. Manera, dott. U. Frisoni.
The Committee also worked through a smaller special Committee, composed as follows: Chairman: sen. P. Montagnani.
Secretary: dr. E. Lanzetta.
Sociologist members: sen. prof. A. Banfi, prof. G.M. Bertin.
Medical members: prof. E. Medea, dr. A. Giordano.
Jurist members: dr. D. Medugno, dr. P. Pistolesi, prof. G. Scherillo, prof. C. Grassetti, avv. M. Boneschi, avv. A. Dell’Oro.
La prevenzione delle malattie veneree
Report of the ordinary Study Committee on the reform of current legislation on prophylaxis for diseases and problems concerning the control of prostitution (*) - Bill introduced by sen. Monaldi - 1950 - (typescript) - 21 pages
The study of the above-mentioned Bill, inspired strictly by public health considerations, followed on the research initiated by the relevant Committee of the Centro dealing with the Merlin Bill (see entry No. 3). The Committee pointed out the questionable applicability of the proposed regulations, due to their being founded on repressive measures, which are ill-fitted for the principle of prevention inherent in the operations of the social services.
Report of the Special Committee for the examination of sen. V..Monaldi’s Bill on the prevention of venereal diseases - Observations of prof. Cesare Ducrey - Observations of prof. Agostino Crosti.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: avv. E. Morandi.
Secretary: dr. B. Sica.
Sociologist members: sen. prof. A. Banfi, prof. C. Musatti, dr.ssa L. Gianni.
Medical members: prof. E. Medea, prof. C. Ducrey, dr. A. Della Beffa, prof. L. Cattaneo, dr. G.F. Garavaglia.
Jurist members: prof. M. Dondina, dr. D. Medugno, avv. G. Lanzillo, dr. A. De Falco.
Economist member: prof. A. Lanzillo.
The Committee also worked through a smaller special Committee, composed as follows: Chairman, prof. M. Dondina; Secretary, dr. A. Sica; Members: prof. A. Crosti, prof. C. Ducrey, prof. E. Pennati.
I moderni mezzi scientifici per la ricerca della verità e della personalità e loro eventuale adozione nella pratica giudiziaria
Report of the special Study Committee (*) - 1951 - 47 pages
In studying possible reforms in the field of criminal procedure, the relevant Committee of the Centro deals, in this Report, with the use of recently discovered bio-chemicals and the recourse to narco-analysis in seeking to establish the truth. It sets out and examines the juridical and medical-juridical aspects.
Final Report of the Committee - The medical-juridical aspect of narco-analysis - Narco-analysis and psychological examination - Contribution of modern psychological studies in criminal justice: projective methods of exploration, stimulated associations, the lie detector - The use of narco-analysis, psychoanalysis and projective methods: do they represent an illicit invasion of personal liberty? - The use of narco-analysis, psychoanalysis and projective methods of exploration in the procedural field - Notes on the study of personality in civil procedure - Notes on the use of narco-analysis in juvenile proceedings.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dr. G. Giudice.
Secretary: dr. A. Beria di Argentine.
Sociologist member: prof. C. Musatti.
Medical members: Padre A. Gemelli, prof. C.C. Riquier, prof. V. Porta, dr. A. Della Beffa.
Jurist members: dr. D. Medugno, dr. F. Ferrante, prof. M. Dondina.
Prevenzione matrimoniale e introduzione di un certificato prematrimoniale obbligatorio nella legislazione italiana
Report of the Study Committee (*) - Art. 7 of the Bill introduced by sen. Monaldi - 1951 - 44 pages
An earlier examination of the Monaldi Bill (see entry No. 9) suggested to the Study Committee of the CNPDS further research in relation to the introduction of an obligatory pre-marriage certificate. It examined this question from the juridical, medical and sociological aspects, so as to indicate the various implications. The results of the study were embodied in this Report.
Final Report of the Chairman of the Committee - Observations by prof. Agostino Crosti, by prof. Cesare Ducrey, by prof. Piero Malcovati, by prof. Carlo Alberto Ragazzi, by prof.ssa Luisa Gianferrari - Notes of the Medical, Juridical and Sociological Sections.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: on. avv. G.B. Migliori.
Secretary: prof.ssa L. Gianferrari.
Sociologist members: prof. M. Dal Pra, prof. S. Pennati.
Medical members: prof. A. Crosti, prof. C. Ducrey, prof. P. Malcovati, prof. C.A. Ragazzi.
Jurist members: prof. D. Barbero, dr. D. Medugno, dott. A. Donati, prof. M. Dondina, avv.ssa L. Rapisardi Vucetich.
Atti del Congresso internazionale sulla stampa periodica, cinematografia e radio per ragazzi
Milan, 19th-23rd March 1952
Organized by the CNPDS, under the auspices of UNESCO, and with the collaboration of Federazione nazionale della stampa italiana, Federazione nazionale editori giornali, Mostra cinematografica della Biennale di Venezia, ONMI, RAI.
Bilingual edition in Italian and French
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1953 - 320 pages
An earlier Report by the relevant Committee of the CNPDS (see entry No. 7), initiating research into publications for children, prompted further investigation of the problems of films and radio broadcasts for the young, which was the theme of this international Congress. The volume assembles the Proceedings, in which were embodied the results of the research, which examined in detail the various aspects, concluding by advocating the institution of an «International children’s defence campaign».
Introduction (Bertin) - The Press: International Study Conference on children’s magazines (Milan, October 1950) (Bertin) - UNESCO’s world-wide enquiry into Publications, Cinema and Radio for the young (Bauchard) - Psycho-pedagogic aspects (Volpicelli) - Editorial aspect (Salvadori del Prato, Mondadori) - Editorial aspects of periodicals for the young in the German Federal Republic (Hesse) - Comic-strips, 1952: graveyard of childish fantasy (Buzzati) - The problem of newspapers for children (Maschaard) - Judicial control on periodicals for the young (Battaglini - Nuvolone) - Judicial control (Potier) - The «J. Jespers Bill» in Belgium concerning publications for children and adolescents (Collignon,Versele) - Childhood imagination and publications for children (Miotto) - Form and substance of publications for children (Gengaro) - The children’s author opinion on children literature in Italy, 1952 (Anguissola) - Preventive censorship in international documents (Cipriotti) - Periodicals for children and preventive censorship (Sciasia) - Cinema: Educational films and films for children (Petrucci) - Technical and artistic problems (Aristarco, Bianchi, Wohlrabe) - The social aspect of cinema as a spectacle (Banfi) - Conditions for an enquiry into the influence of films on the young (Lunders) - Cinema and mental health (Mergen) - The formative years and film (Peters) - Understanding film as a function of the degree of children’s intellectual development (Zazzo) - Psychic processes activated by the cinema (Musatti) - Cinema and intellectual, moral and aesthetic education (Calo, Meylan, Chiarini) - Juridical control of films for the young in Spain (Castejòn) - Juridical control on films for the young (Peretti-Griva) - Links between cinema and juvenile delinquency (Sinoir, Chazal) - Cinema as a means of social defence in educating the young (Gramatica) - Regulations on cinema for the young (Cilenti) - An experiment in education by film with children of pre-school age (Camusso) - Radio: Radio and education (Angioletti) - Radio and its educative value (Flores d’Arcais) - Radio and television for children (Johnson) - Radio and school (Clausse) - Radio in the school (Cottone, von Brentano) - The unseen voice in the exploration of feelings and imagination of children and adolescents (Dalla Volta) - Cinema and moral education (Caparròs Morata) - Different efficacy of radio and television on personality in the formative years (Marzi) - Juridical control of the radio for the young (Pantaleo Gabrieli) - Juridical control of the press, cinema and radio for children in Switzerland (Graven) - Voice, word and inner experience (Hausmann).
Modifica dell’Istituto della liberazione condizionale (art. 176 C.P.)
Report of the special Committee (*) to examine the Bill introduced by sen. Varriale, Musolino and Bei - 1952 - 64 pages
The special Study Committee produced a series of observations on the proposed legislation, together with a concluding Report. All the material is assembled in the volume, which also contains a rough-proof of a law drafted by the Study Committee and a comparative law review on the subject of conditional discharge. All the problematical aspects of the institution - pre-requisites for the order of conditional discharge, power to grant it, obligations of the subject thereof and assistance to him, causes for revocation of the order, conditional discharge for minors, etc. - are tackled, so as to give historical importance to the work, in view of the timely and well formulated advocacy of reforms that were subsequently adopted (1962-1975) in pursuance of criteria which, for the main part, were contained in the Report.
Concluding Report - Notes on the control of conditional discharge in various countries - Observations on the Italian Bill on conditional discharge for minors - Juridical, social, medical, sociological and economic observations.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dott. F. Tramonte.
Secretary: dott. A. Salvini.
Sociologist members: prof. M. Dal Pra, dr.ssa B. Renzi Guastalla.
Medical members: dott. G. Garavaglia, dott. A. Giordano, prof. O. Vergani.
Jurist members: dott. A. Amati, prof. M. Dondina, prof. P. Frisoli, avv. D. Medugno, prof. P. Nuvolone.
Economist member: prof. F. Gualtierotti.
Riforma della legislazione vigente per la profilassi delle malattie veneree
Report of the ordinary Committee (*) to study the reform of current legislation on the prophylaxis of venereal diseases and problems of controlling prostitution - legislative proposal by the Government - 1952 - 75 pages
With this Report, the relevant Committee of the Centro continues its research into this topic (see entries Nos. 3 and 9) beginning with an examination of proposed legislation on the theme: it affirms the principle of human dignity and personal freedom, even while recognizing the need to safeguard and defend public health.
Final concluding Report - Approval of the Report by the Chairmen of the
Economic, Juridical, Medical and Sociological Sections.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: on. avv. E. Vigorelli.
Scientific secretary: dott. B. Sica.
Secretary: avv. dott. B. Olivi.
Economist member: dott. M. Levi.
Jurist members: dott. E. Ancona, dott. A. De Falco, prof. M. Dondina, dott. G.N. Ichino.
Medical members: prof. A. Crosti, prof. C. Ducrey.
Sociologist members: prof. F. Luzzato, prof. F. Groppali.
Atti del Convegno nazionale di studio su alcune delle più urgenti riforme della procedura penale
Bellagio, 24th-26th April 1953 - Milan 28th-30th November 1953
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1954 - 438 pages
From the beginning, the Centro has paid special attention to the problems of
criminal proceedings and the need to modernize them to meet the exigencies that have arisen in Italy’s new political structure. The themes (and the research resulting from them) of this first Conference promoted the features of reform which were subsequently adopted in the future legislative “Novellae” and also by the legislature itself: respect for personality in general and/or the rights of the accused, simplification of procedure, and of the interlocutory stages and intervention by the judicial police, guarantees in the acquisition of evidence. Attention is also given to the formulation of alternative solutions.
Preliminary enquiries and the judicial police (A. De Mattia, M. Dondina) - Intervention of the defence in the interlocutory stage (M. Lener, G.D. Pisapia, C. Vinci) - Remand in custody (P. Frisoli, G. Vassalli) - Study of the personality of the accused and of the victim in the interlocutory stage (A. Gemelli, C. Musatti, V. Porta, P. Nuvolone, V. Napoletano) - Experts’ opinions (P. Curatolo, D. Macaggi, S. Ranieri, C. Riquier, A. Della Beffa) - Unification of the interlocutory steps in criminal proceedings: General aspects (M. De Ruggiero, A. Donati, G. Guarneri).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul problema delle aree arretrate
Milan, Italy, 10th-15th October 1954
Organized by CNPDS
Tri-lingual edition in Italian, French and English
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1954-56
Introductory volume - 167 pages 31 plates
Preface, Chairmanship and Secretariat of the Congress, List of the participants, Introduction, Contents, Biographical data of the Rapporteurs
The problems of under-developed areas had attracted the attention of the
Economic Committee(*) of the Centro, leading to the proposal to hold an international conference which would study the theme in detail, in its various aspects, in order to ascertain the reasons for the current contrasts between one region and another and seek a remedy that will free the inhabitants from the initial inequalities, so as to indicate to the various responsibile authorities a programme directed towards this end. This Introductory volume serves to illustrate the various aspects of the subject, planned and undertaken during the work of the Congress, the results of which are collected in three volumes (see entries Nos. 17, 18 and 19).
Introduction - Subjects, reports, communications - International organizations participating in the Conference - Commentary on the work tasks - Index of contents of the volumes of «Proceedings of the Congress».
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairmen: prof. C. Bresciani Turroni, prof. G. Demaria, dr. G. Giudice.
Chairmen of the Economic Sub-Committee: prof. P. Saraceno, prof. A. Molinari.
Chairman of the Juridical Sub-Committee: prof. G. Menotti De Francesco.
Chairmen of the Medical Sub-Committee: prof. R. Rondoni, prof. G. Brotzu, prof. A. Alessandrini.
Chairmen of the Sociological Sub-Committee: sen. A. Banfi, dott. R. Bauer, prof. C. Chiodi.
Members: A. Albini, R. Alessi, G. Ambrico, B.B. Boeri, G. Battistella, P. Biscaretti di Ruffia, M. Boneschi, P. Bucalossi, E. Battaglini, S. Borghese, L. Basso, C.M. Caronna, R. Chessa, V. Columbo, V. Chiappelli, L. Ducrey, G. Di Meglio, L. Dodi, E. De Martino, B. Di Tullio, R. Franceschelli, A. Fossati, M. Fanno, A. Funaro, A. Groppali, C. Grassetti, F. Gramatica, L. Gianferrari, L. Gasparini, C. Gerin, F. Grispigni, U. La Malfa, R. Lombardi, P. Luzzato Fegiz, G. La Volpe, G. Lattanzi, M. Lovino, E. Marrama, E. Medea, G. Maggio, L. Maroi, L. Misani, M. Manzotti, P. Nuvolone, I. Nasso, F. Natoli, F. Parri, S. Pozzani, A. Pagani, B. Pagani, S. Paulesu, G. Pietranera, B. Paccagnella, C. Petragnani, P. Rondoni, U. Radaelli, S. Sanna Randaccio, A. Scotto, S. Serra, R. Tremelloni, E. Vigorelli, A. Valcarenghi, C. Viviani, U. Zanotti Bianco.
General Secretaries: A. Beria di Argentine, F. Gualtierotti.
Secretaries of the Sub-Committees: Economic, G. Ceriani Sebregondi; Juridical, C. Ribolzi; Medical, A. Della Beffa; Sociological, F. Bruti Liberati, R. Banfi Rossanda, V. Berla Olivetti.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul problema delle aree
Milan, Italy, 10th-15th October 1954
Organized by the CNPDS
Tri-lingual edition in Italian, French and English
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1954-56
Volume I - 1286 pages 5 tables and 4 illustrated plates
Report of the Italian Study Committee on the Italian under-developed
Areas (*)
Economic, sociological, demographic, employment, public health, town-planning, juridical and public administration aspects. In the appendix is a collation of legislative texts dealing with aspects of public intervention.
This first Volume of the Proceedings followed the introductory volume (see entry No. 16) and contains the Report of the Italian Committee of the Centro which, in addition, organized the work of the Congress. An analysis is made, and due attention drawn, to the situation in the under-developed areas in the Alps, the Lombard Delta, the South, highlighting the problems arising, with particular reference to the problems in Southern Italy. In the thematic discussion, reference is made to the phenomenon of international and domestic emigrations, from the sociological (poverty, criminality, juvenile delinquency), demographic, employment (union action), public health, town-planning and juridical-administrative aspects.
The economic development of the Mezzogiorno (SVlMEZ-Saraceno) - The under-developed Alpine Region (ISE) - The Lombard Delta (Servizio Studi Economici - La Volpe) - Saving in the under-developed areas in Italy (Association of Casse di Risparmio PP.LL.) - Data on per capita industrial development in Italy and in other countries in the period 1937-1953 (Demaria) - The problem of industrialization in the Mezzogiorno and other Italian Regions in the 18th and 19th centuries (Fossati) - Recent literature on the «Question of Southern Italy» and Italian economic policy (Pietranera) - Relations between public finance instruments and economic development in the under-developed areas with special reference to the Mezzogiorno (Scotto) - Directions for a sociological study of the under-developed areas in Italy and consideration of a sociological bibliography (Sociological Section of the CNPDS) - Report on sociological aspects of the Parliamentary enquiry on poverty in Italy (Vigorelli) - Criminality in the under-developed areas (Battaglini) - Juvenile delinquency and under-developed areas (Radaelli) - Aspects of the progression of economic depression in Liguria (Maggio) - The Grassano Enquiry (Matera) (Ambrico) - Means and effects of population movements out of Calabria following the 1951 and 1953 floods (Zanotti Bianco) - Ethnographic enquiry in Lucania (De Martino) - The psychosociological research in under-developed zones in Piedmont (Istituto superiore di psicologia sociale - Massucco Costa) - Italian emigration (Ufficio Studi per l’Emigrazione, Società Umanitaria - Canino) - Report on the main results of the parliamentary enquiry into unemployment in Italy (Tremelloni) - Employment problems in the under-developed areas - Action of the CISL in the South of Italy (CISL) - Problems of union action in the underdeveloped areas (UIL) - Reports on Sardinia (Brotzu), Basilicata (Caronna), Abruzzo (Di Meglio), Alpine Zone (Lovino), Po Delta (Manzotti - Paccagnella), Sicily (Petragnani), Calabria (Serra - Misasi) - The town-planning aspect of the problem of the under-developed zones in Italy (Chiodi) - Town-planning aspects of the «under-developed areas» phenomenon and planning points of view on the resulting technical-social problems (Natoli) - The under-developed areas and the Italian problem considered from the townplanning point of view (Dodi - Columbo) - Introduction and general problems (De Francesco) - Laws for direct intervention (Alessi) - Laws for indirect intervention (Sanna Randaccio) - Penal norms (Nuvolone).
(*) The Committee which promoted the Congress is the same as the one indicated in entry No. 16.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul problema delle aree
Milan, Italy, 10th-15th October 1954
Organized by the CNPDS
Tri-lingual edition in Italian, French and English
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1955
Volume II - 938 pages 11 plates
The second Volume of the Proceedings was dedicated to a collation of the Reports and verbal contributions in the course of the work of the Congress: thus, all the themes presented in the introductory Report (see entry No. 17) are
tackled in greater depth and analysis, following the same logical order.
Theory and policy of economic development (Papi) - The characteristics of
economic development (Kaldor) - Formation of capital during the process of
industrialization: features and dimensions (Hoffmann) - Investment planning in under-developed areas (Krishnamurti) - The present state of the theory of development of the under-developed areas and the situation in Italy (Vito) - Intro­duction to a sociology of the so-called under-developed areas (Konig) - Economic development from the sociological aspect (Hoselitz) - Structures, functions
and economic development (Janne) - Observations on a sociology of the under-developed areas in a national framework (Banfi) - Progress or famine? Clarification of the problem of the more backward countries (Sauvy) - The migratory phenomenon in the under-developed areas (Bauer) - Economic development and social relationships (Gottschalk) - Social relationships, population phenomena and employment problems in under-developed countries, agricultural sector (Lefebvre) - The health problems of the under-developed areas and the work of WHO (Canaperia) - Problems of health and engineering in the under-developed areas (Pincus) - The underdeveloped areas - Town-planning is a key: This key opens up future prospects. Way of thinking and technical action (Le Corbusier) - The shanty-towns, a form of urban development in countries with an under-developed economy (George) - Social problems of organization and planning in the under-developed countries (Eisenstadt) - Juridical problems of assistance to the under-developed countries (Colliard) - Administrative problems of technical assistance to the under-developed areas (Heckscher) - Some observations on legislative criteria of a national character in the underdeveloped areas (Supomo) - Administrative decentralization as an instrument for improving the under-developed areas (Lucifredi) - Intervention of public authorities and administrative organs in matters concerning the under-developed areas (Basso).
(*) The Committee which promoted the Congress is the same as the one listed in entry No. 16.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul problema delle aree
Milan, Italy, 10th-15th October 1954
Organized by the CNPDS
Tri-lingual edition in Italian, French and English
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1955
Volume III - 774 pages 10 plates
This last Volume of the Proceedings of the Congress assembles the contributions and various communications presented by diverse international organs: thus a wide range of possible solutions was put forward for the problems afflicting the under-developed areas.
Communications of international organs: IBRD’s contribution to the international Congress on under-developed areas (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) - ICEM’s notice of its activities from the 1st February 1952 to 31st August 1954 (Intergovernmental Committee for European Migrations) - FAO’s assistance to under-developed countries (Food and Agriculture Organization).
Communications on theoretical aspects: Contributions of the Istituto di Scienze Economiche of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan - Alternative technologies in development policy for the under-developed areas (Andreatta) - Economic and social aspects of agricultural mechanization in Italy (Bonato) - Fiscal policy and economic development (Brasca) - The agrarian alternative to industrialization in the development of the Mezzogiorno in Italy (Calcaterra) - Economic development in the thought of certain economists, with special regard to Italian contributions (Duchini) - Formation of capital and credit policy in under-developed and depressed economies (Feroldi) - Quantitative analysis in the study of the efficiency of investments in a development policy for under-developed areas (Lombardini) - Self-financing and economic development with special regard to Italy in recent decades (Mazzocchi) - The function of agrarian credit in the development of under-developed areas (Banco di Napoli) - Under-developed zones and economic progress (Chessa) - Le sous-développement et les théories de la stagnation et de la croissance économique (De Greef) - The political problem of the economic development of the under-developed areas (Frisella Vella) - Variations of international exchange and ways of expansion of nett national product and its reflections on the problems of the Mezzogiorno (Gasparini) - Investitionen in unterentwickelten Gebieten (Kerschagl) - The basic need for agricultural education in relation to economic development of under-developed countries (Maunder) - Education and economic depression (Bertin) - The under-developed world (Wolff) - The population problem (Matteotti).
Communications on applicative studies and programming of individual interventions: The diffusion of modern techniques of management and company administration as a necessary factor in the development of under-developed areas (Bardoscia-Sacco) - For the creation of a Credit Bank for the mountain zones of the North (Gramatica-Gualtierotti) - Influence of agrarian reform on levels of employment and income of agricultural workers in a Comune of Mate­rano - Report on Partinico (Dolci) - Communication on the programmes of economic and social development in the Territory of Somalia under Italian Trusteeship (Amministrazione fiduciaria italiana della Somalia) - The problem of employment of new immigrants in Israel 1948-54 (Cooke) - Le développement de l’économie de la Bosnie et de l’Herzégovine (Stefanovic) - Die Finanzierung der unterentwickelten Gebiete in Jugoslawien (Pokorn) - Einige Ergebnisse Jugoslawiens bei der Ausbildung seiner Arbeitskraefte (Grdijc) - The socialcultural problems in the Netherlands depressed areas (van Loon) - Industrialization of the Netherlands (van Os) - Bericht über unterentwickelten Gebiete Bayerns (Grasser) - Plan to populate Nurra, village of Uccari in Sardinia.
(*) The Committee promoting the Congress was the one listed in entry No. 16.
Il problema della libertà vigilata
Report of the special Study Committee (*) -1954 - 40 pages
This Report is a follow-on of the research initiated on the occasion of a Conference in 1953 (see entry No. 15) on the most urgently needed reforms in criminal proceedings: the relevant Committee of the Centro, having further studied the institution of «liberty under supervision», proposes a radical change, advocating also a change of terminology into «assisted liberty», and highlighting the new tendency towards establishing a new instrument that will have as its aim the social reintegration of the offender.
Concluding Report - Text of the Bill proposed by the Committee - Probation and similar measures in comparative law (P. Nuvolone) - Juridical observations (A. Amati, P. Frisoli) - Scheme for a reform of the institution of liberty under supervision (A. Flora) - Juridical-social observations on the control of liberty under supervision (B. Renzi Guastalla).
(*) Chairman: dott. F. Tramonte. Secretary: dott. A. Salvini.
Sociologist members: prof. M. Dal Pra, dott.ssa B. Renzi Guastalla.
Medical members: dott. G. Garavaglia.
Jurist members: dott. A. Amati, prof. M. Dondina, dott. A. Flora, prof. P. Frisoli, prof. P. Nuvolone. Economist member: prof. F. Gualtierotti.
Atti del Convegno internazionale per la riforma dell’arbitrato
Cadenabbia-Milan, 3rd-6th June 1954
Organized by the CNPDS (*) under the auspices of the Italian Ministry for
External Affairs
Four-language edition in French, English, Italian and German
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan -1955 - 429 pages 16 illustrations
Following the basic theme of the Conference, the various scholars put forward the experience in diverse juridical systems: the resulting analysis suggested, through a comparative examination, the need for unification on an international plane of the rules of arbitration; this may be seen in the framework of the trend towards unification of private law. The Conference advocated the removal of limits to the right to derogate from the domestic courts by agreement in favour of arbitration abroad, as a solution integrated with domestic jurisdiction rather than substituting for it.
Subjects, reports, communications and proposals: Studies and proposals for a uniform law on arbitration (E. Minoli) - The unification of rules of private international law concerning arbitration (L. Marmo-A. Migliazza) - Bases procesuales para la uniformacion internacional del arbitraje de derecho privato (N. Alcala-Zamora y Castillo) - Collation of juridical texts from foreign countries and international conventions - Projet d’un Code Européen de droit international privé (E. Frankenstein) - Projet présenté à l’Institut de Droit International (G. Sauser-Hall) - Contre-projet présenté à l’Institut de Droit International (P. Arminjon) - Projet d’une loi uniforme sur l’arbitrage dans les rapports internationaux en droit privé (UNIDROIT).
(*) The organization of the Conference was in the hands of a specifically appointed Committee of the Centro, composed as follows:
Chairman: S.E. E. Eula.
Vice-Chairmen: prof. E. Allorio, prof. R. Ago, cons. M. Trimarchi.
Secretary: dr. A. Beria di Argentine.
For the administration of the Conference itself, the Committee was split into two Sections:
Civil Procedural Law Section: Chairman: prof. E. Allorio.
Secretary: prof. E. Minoli.
Members: prof. T. Carnacini, dr. F. Falletti, prof. R. Franceschelli, avv. E. Morandi, prof. G. Pugliese, prof. A. Torrente, avv. R. Vecchione.
Private International Law Section: Chairman: prof. R. Ago.
Secretary: prof. A. Migliazza.
Members: avv. M. Braschi, avv. E. Calati, dott. F. Ferrante, prof. M. Giuliano, prof. C. Grassetti, prof. L. Marino, dr. A. Salvini, prof. P. Ziccardi.
Condizioni dell’infanzia nella Provincia di Milano
Report of the specially appointed Committee
Ed Giuffrè - Milan - 1955 - 393 pages 4  tables
The Report of the specially appointed Committee of the Centro represents the outcome of a work that had already begun in 1952, devoted to the study of problems concerning assistance to young children: the subject was tackled from the psychic, physical-prophylactic and educative aspects. Special attention was given to the question of abandoned children. The lack of coordination between the many public and private bodies dealing with young children was highlighted.
Reports: Assistance to young children in the family (G . P. Mazzoleni) - Statistics on ECA (U. Colombo) and on Kindergarten (A. Bernareggi) - Prophylaxis and treatment of psychic illnesses in children (V. Porta) - Motulesi, mental health and a-social persons (V. Porta) - Prevention, selection, diagnosis and treatment of mal-adjusted children of school age (6-14 years) (E. Berrini) - The Istituto San Vincenzo (O. Vergani) - Abnormal adolescents (D. Origlia) - Assist­ance to children with abnormal characteristics and behaviour in their pre-school years (A. Colli Grisoni) - Activities of the Monza medical-psychopedagogic centre (G.A. Bozza) - Current situation at the De Sanctis infant department of the Mombello OPP (A. Lange) - Prevention and treatment for anti-social, illiterate and «delinquent» boys in the Province of Milan (A. Giordano) - Activity of the «Rinascita sociale» Association (B. Renzi Guastalla) - Prophylaxis and treatment of physical illnesses of childhood (P. Brusa-I. Nasso) - Assistance to young people in a state of abandonment (U. Colombo) - Brief study of certain ethical and juridical concepts (M. Lancellotti Mari) - Brief reformulation of statistics and notes added to the preceding report (M. Lancellotti Mari) - Assist­ance in maternity and to young children: experiences and proposals (E. Scarzella Mazzocchi) - How are the institutions offering assistance to young children and how would we like them to be (A. Cappelli Vegni) - Statistics on minors in various Institutions under ECA, Milan (G. Lippera) - The reasons for putting young children in Institutions which do not normally accept children in the care of local authorities (P. Zuffada) - Data on young persons in a state of abandonment and put into the care of IPPA and similar institutions (Z. Bianchi) - Educative problems (G.M. Bertin) - Approved school in Milan (M. Cattabeni) - Condition of children’s education (G. Giussani) - Elementary school in the Province of Milan (O. Brivio) - Teaching for pre-adolescents and teaching for mass qualifications (S. Nobile) - Professional schools of the State (F. Micheli) - Conditions of secondary schools (L. Raimondi) - Enquiry into State schools (R. Bauer) - Compulsory enrolment in schools (E. Faglioni Barbareschi) - Statistical data on the frequency of boys between 10 and 14 years of age at lower secondary school (M.A. Barbareschi Fino) - Scholastic patronage (P. Gonzales) - Children’s recreation, and organizations in this field (E. Bernasconi) - Extra-scholastic activities, sports, games, chapels, libraries, religious organizations and audio-visual resources in private schools and clerical organizations (L. Gian­nazza) - Cinemas for children (C.C. Secchi) - Hygiene in the school (C. Ducrey-M. Vignini Paloschi) - Hygiene and health supervision in Kindergartens (A. Bernareggi) - Medical-psychic-pedagogic assistance in elementary schools (E. Berrini) - Psycho-pedagogic assistance in secondary-schools (D. Origlia) - Centres of scholastic and professional training (F. Micheli) - Scholastic social service (O. Brivio) - School-Family relationship (G. Vaj Pedotti - A. Motta Marcengo - L. Gotti Guarnaschelli).
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: prof. G. Dell’Amore.
Secretary: dott.ssa L. Petri
Members: contessa G.M. Albertoni Pirelli, dott. G. Ambroso, dott. G. Arcoleo, dott.ssa M.A. Barbaglia, dott.ssa M.A. Barbareschi Fino, dott. R. Bauer, prot. M. Belli, sig.ra E. Belluschi, dott.ssa A. Bernareggi, prof. E. Bernasconi, dott.ssa E. Berrini, prof. G.M. Bertin, sig.ra Z. Bianchi, avv. A. Boneschi, dott. G.A. Bozza, dott. O. Brivio, prof. P. Brusa, dott.ssa A. Canali, dott.ssa A. Cappelli Vegni, N.D.V. Carabelli, prof. M. Cattabeni, prof.ssa G. Cavallaro, on. dott. A.M. Cavallotti, sig. Cedrazzi, prof. C. Clivio, dott.ssa A. Colli, prof. U. Colombo, dott. V. Corbetta, dott. U. Dell’Acqua, prof. C. Ducrey, comm. Faetta, sig.ra E. Faglioni Barbareschi, prof.ssa S. Garzanti, Mons. L. Giannazza, prof. A. Giobbi, dott. A. Giordano, sig.ra E. Goldsmith, sig.ra P. Gonzales, prof.ssa L. Gotti, prof. G. Kanizsa, avv.ssa M. Lancellotti, dott.ssa A. Lange, M. Rev. Don Liggeri, sig. G. Lippera, dott. M. Lombardo, dott.ssa F. Magistretti, prof. P. Malcovati, sig.ra E. Scarzella Mazzocchi, prof. G.P. Mazzoleni, prof. E. Medea, ing. F. Micheli, sig.ra A. Motta Marcengo, prof. C. Musatti, prof. I. Nasso, prof. S. Nobile, dott. D. Origlia, dott. C. Petrò, prof. V. Porta prof. C.A. Ragazzi, prof. L. Raimondi, dott.ssa B. Renzi Guastalla, dott.ssa A. Restelli, prof. L. Romanini, dott.ssa L. Rota, prof. R. Ruggeri, prof. C. Secchi, dott.ssa S. Sesini, dott.ssa P. Tarugi, dott.ssa P. Tavecchio, sig.ra G. Vaj Pedotti, prof. O. Vergani, M. Vignini Paloschi, rag. P. Zuffada.
Atti del Convegno nazionale di studio sulla televisione per ragazzi
Milan, Italy, 5th-7th June 1955
Organized by CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Committee of UNESCO and with the collaboration of ONMI, RAI-TV and the Television Section of the UNESCO Department of Information
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1955 - 440 pages 14 plates
Within the framework of the work of the Conference, attention was given to problems associated with the planning of television programmes for the young, in its various aspects, by sociologists, psychologists, educationalists, doctors and jurists, pooling their respective study experiences. The Conference ended by advocating the formation of a Control Commission for television programmes intended for the young.
TV and education in modern social life (G.M. Bertin) - Télévision et cinéma (G. Cohen Séat) - TV in relation to the press (A. Mondadori) - TV and the problems of prophylaxis and health assistance to the young (C. Catteruccia) - The psychological problem of TV (A. Dalla Volta) - La réglementation juridique de la télévision (Ch. Gillieron) - The juridical regulation of TV for young (P. Frisoli) - Educational television (L. Volpicelli) - Psychological and didactic questions of TV (A. Massucco Costa) - TV as cinema and school (R. Branca) - Television and musical education (M. Labroca) - Recreational television for children (G. Flores d’Arcais) - Experiences of the first two years of TV in Italy with special reference to transmissions for children (S. Pugliese).
Atti del Convegno nazionale di studio per la riforma della legislazione sugli ospedali psichiatrici
Milan, Italy, 7th-9th October 1955
Organized by CNPDS and the Provincial Administration of Milan with the support of the Unione Province Italiane
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1956 - 784 pages 8 tables 10 plates
The study of mental illnesses was examined by the Conference, giving special attention to the limited possibilities of restricting the freedom of the patient, involving contrasting views of doctors and jurists. Proposals were put forward for approaches which might be adopted in legislation in this field, and these are reflected in the regulatory system brought into force by the legislator in 1976.
Reports, verbal contributions and communications: Report on the Bill introduced into Parliament (M. Ceravolo) - Report on the work of the ordinary Study Committee of the Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale (*) - Report of the Chairman of the Committee (G.M. De Francesco) - Legislation proposed by the Committee - Opinions of the Scientific Sections of the CNPDS - Reports on medical aspects (R.C. Riquier), juridical aspects (A. Boneschi), psychological aspects (A. Gemelli) and sociological aspects (A. Groppali) - Mental hygiene and prophylaxis (E. Medea) - Services outside the hospital (R. Vuoli) - Organization and authority of public assistance services (G. Ferrari - R. Alessi) - The admission of patients to psychiatric hospitals (V. Porta) - Admission and discharge of patients (C.E. Vinci - E. Fabrizi) - Supervision of psychiatric hospitals and supervisory organs (V. Tronconi, U. De Giacomo, L. Ammatuna) - Appointment and functions of the director of a psychiatric hospital (D. Bolsi, G. Gomirato, M. Fiamberti, S. Lessona) - Criminal records (A. Neri, P. Nuvolone) - Summary Report of the Directory of the programme (G.V. Belloni, G. Maggio, E. Battaglini) - Social assistance for the mentally ill (U.G. Colombo) - Considerations on medical-legal aspects of the reform of legislation on psychiatric hospitals (V. Ventura) - Personnel of the nursing and health-social staff in psychiatric hospitals (M.V. Martorelli) - Social assistance in the psychiatric hospital and in the field of mental health (O. Vallin) - The problem of the psychically handicapped in secondary schools (M.A. Barbareschi Fino) - Psychiatric assistance (V.U. Negri and C.B. Negri) - Provincial Psychiatric hospitals (M. Sangiorgio) - Interim assistance for the mentally ill in psychiatric institutions.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: on. G. Menotti De Francesco.
Secretary: prof. A. Della Beffa.
Members: pres. L. Ammatuna, avv. A. Banfi, dott. C. Berlucchi, avv. A. Boneschi, dott. R. Bozzi, cons. R. Buschi, dott. V. Dagnino, dott. G. Garavaglia, prof. A. Grossoni, prof. P.P. Luzzato Fegiz, pres. E. Medea, prof. C. Musatti, prof. A. Migliazza, prof. E. Morpurgo, prof. E. Morselli, prof. E. Pennati, prof. V. Porta, dott. G.C. Riquier, dott. C. Roncatti, avv. M. Venanzi, prof. O. Vergani, prof. R. Vuoli.
Atti del IV Congresso internazionale di difesa sociale sulla prevenzione dei reati contro la vita umana e l’incolumità individuale
Milan, Italy, 2nd-6th April 1956
Bi-lingual edition in Italian and French
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1957
Volume 1 - 952 pages CXXXVI
This Volume collates all the Reports presented to the Congress, which represent the results of the studies on questions of the prevention of crimes against human life: support was given to the principle of defence oriented towards the prevention of anti-social activities. Attention was given to identifying and classifying criminal impulses, from the medical-psychological aspect, without neglecting the hygiene-public health aspect relative to the social environment.
General Reports: Sociological aspects (R. Koenig, T. Sellin) - Bio-psychological aspects (A. Gemelli, G. Heuyer) - Juridical aspects (S. Hurwitz, P. Nuvolone) - Summary Reports: Offences committed without criminal intent (G. Delitala) - Crimes committed with intent (P. Cornil).
Atti del IV Congresso internazionale di difesa sociale sulla prevenzione dei reati contro la vita umana e l’incolumità individuale
Milan, Italy, 2nd-6th April 1956
Bi-lingual edition in Italian and French
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1957
Volume 11 - 724 pages
This second Volume of Proceedings of the Congress, assembles the official Reports of the study sections and individual Reports presented during the Congress; it thus gives a panoramic view of all the work and research done on the theme from the juridical, sociological and medical aspects.
Report of Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale (CNPDS).
Reports of the Medical Section: - Classification of acts against human life and personal safety in relation to the personality of the offender (C. Musatti) - On the biological factors of criminal conduct (D. Macaggi-G. Canepa) - Origins of criminal conduct in infancy and childhood (A. Dalla Volta) - Aggressiveness in certain behaviours harmful to self and others (P. Masciangelo) - Statistical and psychological connections between aggressiveness towards self and others in relation to crimes against human life and personal safety (V. Porta) - Sociological and psychological data on violence, towards oneself and others (P. Benassi) - Psychiatric assistance to the imprisoned person in the prevention of voluntary and involuntary offences against life and personal safety (M. Cattabeni-O. Vergani-G. Garavaglia).
Report of the Sociological Section: - Special conditioning and preventive lines of action for voluntary and involuntary offences against personal safety (Group Report-A. Banfi).
Reports of the Juridical Section: - On prevention in general (M. Dondina) - Preventive measures for those with and those without criminal responsibility (G. Guarneri) - Preventive measures for minors (G. di Gennaro) - Conditional discharge and assistance in a system of prevention of crimes of violence (F. Tramonte-G. Azzali) - Rehabilitation and special prevention (P. Curatolo) - Crimes committed under the influence of alcohol and drugs and their prevention (C. Spagnolo) - Prevention of unlawful acts in the various forms of involuntary conduct (G.D. Pisapia) - Recklessness and criminal negligence in the exercise of dangerous and professional work and in road traffic matters (A. Malinverni) - The control of firearms for preventive purposes (A. Luzzani) - Prevention and the juridical problem of recidivism (G. Guadagno) - International co-operation for the prevention of crimes against human life and personal safety (S. Borghe­se-A. Migliazza).
Report of the Centre of Social Defence Studies of the Institute of Comparative Law at Paris University: What is prevention? (Y. Marx) - The contribution of the Public Prosecutor in the prevention of crimes against the person (M. Rolland) - Juridical aspects of prevention of murder (G. Levasseur) - The prevention of crimes of violence against the person (J. Larguier) - Prevention in matters of abortion and infanticide (F. Goletty) - Prevention of certain offences against the person and children (J. Cotxet de Andreis) - Control of firearms in France, a factor in the prevention of crimes against the person (R. Paucot) - Prevention of offences against human life and personal safety committed under the influence of alcohol (A. Legal) - Some juridical problems posed by the treatment of alcoholics (J. Lebret) - Prevention of crimes of violence committed by abnormal persons (R. Vienne-F. Bonassies-R. Vullien) - On the prevention of blackmail (A. Mellor) - Involuntary offences (J.B. Herzog) - Prevention of road traffic accidents (R. Vouin) - Offences against the highway code (M. Le Roy) - On the prevention of military crimes (X. Gremaud) - Prevention of crimes against humanity in times of peace (R. Levy) - Offences against the person according to the statistics of the Centre National d’Orientation of Fresnes (A. Touren-P. Cannat-J.M. Coly) - The evolution of juvenile delinquency over the last 100 years (J. Simeon) - Prevention of juvenile delinquency: socio-educative experiences in a given district (J. Chazal) - Sociological data on the prevention of homicide (J. Pinatel) - Preventive action by the police (P. Villetorte) - Press and young people - Cinema and the young (A. Potier) - The Press, means of expression in correlation to adult crime (H. Falconetti) - The prevention of crimes of violence (R.P. Vernet) - On certain sociological and psycho-social aspects of sexual crime in France (G. Mazo) - The prevention of poisoning (J. Pottecher) - Suicide and its prevention (J. Leaute) - Sociological study of abortion (P. Bouzat) - The experience of detoxification consultations of the mental prophylaxis service of the public office of social hygiene (H. Duchene-Ph. Paumelle) - Social prevention against alcoholism (J. Dublineau) - Epileptics and social defence (L. Michaux) - Prevention of crimes and infractions against life and personal safety by drug-addicts (G. Heuyer) - Prevention of the use of poisonous substances (C. Vaille-G. Stern).
Reports presented by individuals and groups: Medical Section: Concept of dangerous propensity in voluntary and involuntary crimes (E. Altavilla) - Experimental sampling of the socio-metric test of Moreno and some problems of collective life arising from the study of a group of children (R. Canestrari-W. Battacchi) - The two Rorschach of a patricide (J.P. De Waele) - Should one fear aggressive behaviour by the unemployed? (A. Dumont) - Crimes of violence committed by those suffering from depression (Th. Kempe-R. Rijksen) - Indigent offenders and social prophylaxis (V.V. Stanciu) - The prevention of voluntary and involuntary crimes against life and personal safety, seen from the psychiatric stand-point (W. Willinger-H. Ehrhardt) - Sociological Section: Sociological aspect of the prevention of crimes of infanticide by reason of honour and abandonment of the newly born by reason of honour in current Italian legislation (Z. Algardi) - The programme of prevention of crime and social defence (H. Beeche) - Preventive intent in penitentiary action (E. Dupréel) - Assassination and murder in German jurisprudence (E. Heinitz) - Contribution to the sociological aspect of violence against the person (P. Heintz) - Certain sociological aspects of the prevention of reckless conduct in the medical profession (O. Lo Cigno) - Prevention of offences against human life (J.A. Martinez) - Prevention and social defence in the Ghandian State (S.S. Nehru) - Postprison supervision and assistance as a function of prevention (A. Passarelli) - Juridical Section: On measures to adopt in the face of dangerous offences (G.C. Angeloni) - The prevention of crime in positive legislation in Cuba (A. Aparicio Laurencio) - Prevention in regard to abandonment of the newly-born for reason of honour (V. Bersezio) - Careless driving offences and their prevention (V. Colasso) - Prevention of attacks on the person caused by road-traffic infractions (P. Cornil) - Criteria for the prevention of homicide and woundings committed by workers against employers (F. Gramatica) - Prevention of involuntary offences against life and personal safety in relation to the «subjective» test of negligence (F. Gramatica) - Prevention of involuntary offences against life and personal safety (H.H. Jescheck) - Prevention in relation to negligent road-traffic offences (G. Ottolenghi) - Prevention of suicide (J.R. Mendozai) - Prevention of homicide, in Sardinia (S. Papa) - The prevention of criminal negligence (J. De Miguel Perez) - Prevention of offences against the person (E. Tabio Castro Palomino) - Police and judicial prevention in present-day procedures (S.C. Versele) - Juridical aspects of a system of prevention of infractions against life and the person (R. Warlomont).
Appendix: Plan of final recommendations presented by Chairman Graven to the Juridical Section of the Congress - Motions submitted by participants in the Congress.
Rapporto del Centro nazionale di prevenzione e ditesa sociale al IV Congresso internazionale di difesa sociale
Milan, Italy, 2nd-6th April 1956
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan 1956 - 282 pages
This is the Report produced by the Centro on the above-mentioned subject (as to which, see entries Nos. 25 and 26); it comprises the Reports presented by the medical, sociological and juridical sections and prepared by the experts. It gives an overall view of the subject from the many aspects involved.
Report of Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale (CNPDS):
Reports of the Medical Section: Classification of acts against human life and personal safety in relation to the personality of the offender (C. Musatti) - On the biological factors of criminal conduct (D. Macaggi - G. Canepa) - Origins of criminal conduct in infancy and childhood (A. Dalla Volta) - Aggressiveness in certain behaviours harmful to self and others (P. Masciangelo) - Statistical and psychological connections between aggressiveness towards self and others in relation to crimes against human life and personal safety (V. Porta) - Sociological and psychological data on violence towards ones-self and others (P. Benassi) - Psychiatric assistance to the imprisoned person in the prevention of voluntary and involuntary offences against life and personal safety (M. Cattabeni - O. Vergani - G. Garavaglia).
Report of the Sociological Section: Special conditioning and preventive lines of action for voluntary and involuntary offences against personal safety (A. Banfi).
Reports of the Juridical Section: On prevention in general (M. Dondina) - Preventive measures for those with, and those without, criminal responsibility (G. Guarneri) - Preventive measures for minors (G. di Gennaro) - Conditional discharge and assistance in a system of prevention of crimes of violence (F. Tramonte - G. Azzali) - Rehabilitation and special prevention (P. Curatolo) - Crimes committed under the influence of alcohol and drugs and their prevention (C. Spagnolo) - Prevention of unlawful acts in the various forms of involuntary conduct (G.D. Pisapia) - Recklessness and criminal negligence in the exercise of dangerous or professional work and in road traffic matters (A. Malinverni) - The control of firearms for preventive purposes (A. Luzzani) - Prevention and the juridical problem of recidivism (G. Guadagno) - International co-operation for the prevention of crimes against human life and personal safety (S. Borghese - A. Migliazza).
Modificazioni al R.D.L. 20 luglio 1934 N. 1404 convertito in legge 27 maggio 1935 n. 835 sull’istituzione e funzionamento del Tribunale per i minorenni
Report of the ordinary Study Committee (*) on the reform of legislation for minors - Bill proposed by the Government - 1957 - 63 pages
The relevant Committee of the Centro, examining a Bill proposed by the
Government on this subject, puts forward a number of critical comments,
especially in regard to the proposals on the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court
Text of the Government project in relation to the earlier regulations - Observations on the structure of the Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction - Concluding Report
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: on. G.B. Migliori.
Scientific Secretary: prof. A. Dell’Oro.
Organizing Secretary: prof.ssa L. Dell’Oro Petri.
Members: prof. G.M. Bertin, prof. A. Dall’Ora, pres. A. Flora, prof. C. Grassetti, cons. M. Lombardo, avv. C. Majno, prof. G.D. Pisapia, sig.ra E. Scarzella Mazzocchi, prof. G. Sche-rillo, prof.ssa Scuderi, prof. T. Senise, prof. C. Trabattoni, prof. O. Vergani.
Profilassi e avviamento al lavoro dei tubercolotici
Report of the Study Committee (*) - 1957 - 35 pages
Continuing its research into problems of public health conditions, the relevant Committee of the Centro takes note in this Report of the contra-position between the healthy and the sick, especially in relation to tubercular persons. It proposes interventions in the economic, public health and public welfare sectors, with prospects for a restatement of professional policy.
Final Report - Juridical Reports (Pellegatta and Palumbo) - Medical Reports (Giobbi, Bottero and Ferrari) - Proposals by Belli, Bottero, Jacono - Economic observations (F. Gualtierotti, A. Scotto, U. Ramaccini and A. Anselmi) - Sociological Report (M. Dal Pra).
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: prof. V. Ferrari.
Scientific Secretary: dr. A. Salvini.
Organizing Secretary: sig.ra A.M. Bandini.
Members: A. Anselmi, prof. A. Astuni, dr. M. Belli, dr. V. Bontadini, prof. A. Bottero, prof. M. Dal Pra, cons dr F. Falletti, prof. A. Giobbi, prof. F. Gualtierotti, prof. G. Jacono, avv. N. Jaeger, prof V. Palumbo, avv. E. Parini, avv. C. Pellegatta, U. Ramaccini, prof. A. Scotto.
Atti del Convegno internazionale «Film e integrazione psicologica nei rapporti sociali, problemi e metodi di ricerca scientifica»
Milan, Psychology Institute of the Catholic University, 17th-20th January 1957
Promoted by CNPDS with the collaboration of the Filmology Institute of Paris University, the Psychology Institute of the Catholic University of Milan and with the participation of the Italian National Committee of UNESCO
Four-language edition in Italian, French, English and German
Soc. Ed. Vita e Pensiero - Milan - 1958 - 247 pages XXXI 4 plates
This Volume assembles the results of the work of the Conference from the various stand-points, reflecting the range of disciplines represented at the Conference: psychiatry, psychology, pedagogy, and sociology. It presents an in-depth analysis of identification mechanisms as between audience and persons presented on the screen.
Motive and aims of the Conference - Typescript summaries of the proceedings - Summary Report - Index of contributions.
L’intervento amministrativo e giudiziario nei confronti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza socialmente disadattata
General informative Report presented by CNPDS to the Vth International Congress on Social Defence
Stockholm, Sweden, 25th-30th August 1958
Ed. CNPDS - Italian edition - 45 pages - French edition - 126 pages
This is the Report prepared by the Centro for the above-mentioned
Congress: the scope and complexity of the theme involved an examination in various fields: biological, pedagogic, criminological, medical and
The Report was presented in French; the Italian version is a summary of this.
Stages of development of socially maladjusted minors - Organizations active in this field - The choice of appropriate measures.
(*) The Report is the result of the studies of a special Committee set up ad hoc by the Centro. The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dr. A. Reale.
Secretaries and Rapporteurs: dr. A. Beria di Argentine, prof. A. Dell’Oro.
Members: prof. G.B. Belloni, prof. G.M. Bertin, dr.ssa M.E. Berrini, prof. C. Busnelli, prof. G. Calò, prof. G. Canepa, sen. A. Casati, prof.ssa A. Colli Grisoni, dott. G. Colucci, prof. A. Dall’Ora, prof. A. Dalla Volta, avv.ssa L. Dell’Oro Petri, S.E. A. De Mattia, dott. G. di Gennaro, dr. A. Flora, prof. G. Flores d’Arcais, cons. A. Garofalo, Padre A. Gemelli, prof. C. Grassetti, prof.ssa A. Groppelli, dott. M. Lombardo, prof. D. Macaggi, prof. A. Malinverni, prof. A. Marzi, prof. E. Medea, prof. A. Miotto, prof. C. Musatti, prof. P. Nuvolone, dr. F. Padoin, dott.ssa G. Petrini Cattaneo, prof. V. Porta, dott. U. Radaelli, avv. R. Sanna Randaccio, prof. G. Scherillo, prof. C.C. Secchi, dott. T. Senise, dott. C. Spagnolo, dott. T. Tartaglione, prof. C. Traversa, prof. E. Valentini, prof. G. Vassalli.
Costituzione di un Corpo femminile
Report of the special Study Committee (*) - Bill introduced by the on. Dal
Canton on 13th June 1958, No. 1061 - 1958 - 41 pages
On the occasion of the publication of the Bill introduced by the on. Dal Canton, the special Committee of the Centro tackles the problems associated with the establishment of a women’s police force: it draws attention to the opportunity of giving it an informatory role aimed at preventing crime by and against women and minors.
Final Report and text of the legislative proposals proposed by the Committee - Reports (V. E. Modica, B. Renzi Guastalla) with notes on foreign legal provisions - Information on the operation of the women’s police force in Switzerland (S. Pandolfi) - Observations on Draft Law No. 1701 for the establishment of a women’s police force (A. Candian, A. Carbonaro, C.M. Cattabeni, A. Dell’Oro, L. Mattioli Peroni and G.D. Pisapia).
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: dott. C. Spagnuolo.
Secretary: avv. L. Mattioli Peroni.
Members: prof. A. Candian, dott. A. Carbonaro, prof. M. Cattabeni, prof. A. Dell’Oro,
avv. L. Dell’Oro Petri, prof. G. Garavaglia, dr. V. E. Modica, prof. V. Palumbo, prof. G.D. Pisapia, avv. B. Renzi Guastalla, prof. O. Vergani.
Legislazione regolatrice della lotta contro i tumori in Italia
Report of the Study Committee (*) - 1958 - 21 pages
The relevant Committee of the Centro, after dealing with the study on venereal diseases (see entries Nos. 3 and 9) and progress in the field of tuberculosis (see entry No. 29), presents a report whose objective is the diagnosis and treatment of tumours, drawing on the experience in other countries.
Final Report - Legislative proposals - Comments on the fight against cancer in Italy and in the world at large - Funds currently available in Italy for the fight against cancer - Current state of the fight against cancer in Italy - Main legislative trends in various countries in connection with the fight against cancer - State of various organizations in the world involved in the fight against cancer.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: P. Rondoni.
Secretaries: prof. A. Bissi dott.ssa D. Gualtierotti Rondoni, dott. A. Marcucci.
Members: prof. A. Albini, prof. G.M. Baldi, dott. A. Beria di Argentine, dott. P. Bucalossi, dott. E. Calvi, dott. F. Carbone, prof. M. Cavallotti, prof. F. Gualtierotti, prof. M. Grisolia, dr. N. Jaeger, prof. S. Lombardini, dott. G. Lotti, prof. P. Natale, prof. V. Palumbo, avv. S. Pandolfi, prof. F. Perussia, prof. G.D. Pisapia, prof. C. Ribolzi, prof. N. Santero, avv. S. Scoca, prof. P. Verga, prof. G. Tesauro, S.E. E. Zelioli Lanzini.
L’integrazione delle scienze sociali, città e campagna
Proceedings of the 1st National Congress of Social Sciences, Milan, Italy,
31st May-2nd June 1958
Organized by CNPDS and AISS
Ed. Il Mulino - Bologna - 1958-1960 - 2 Vols. - 698 pages VI 1 table - 413 XII plates
The work of the Congress is collected in two Volumes. The first includes the Reports and contributions on the study of inter-dependence between town and country in relation to technical-cultural and structural progress. The various scholars were given the utmost freedom of expression regarding their own points of view and ideological stand-points. The second Volume, after detailing the sequence of work undertaken at the Congress, assembles a number of reports on structures, relevant to the theme in question, which exist in Turin and Milan.
Position and definition of social sciences: The social sciences in the framework of modern philosophy (F. Lombardi) - Definition and orientation of the social sciences (C. Pellizzi) - First comments on the concept of social science (F. Ferrarotti) - Historical research and the social sciences (P. Rossi) - Integration of the social sciences in the civil philosophy of Romagnosi (A. Norsa).
Integration in the methods and organization of research: On the mathematical language of the social sciences (F. Brambilla) - Heterogeneity of the concept of integration between the social sciences (G. Braga) - Signals and symbols in social communication (A. Miotto) - Considerations on technical questions common to various social sciences, with special reference to the interview (A. Pizzorno) - A philosophical contribution to an inter-disciplinary work on human relations (F. Balbo) - Aspects and problems of a social and cultural policy (G. Ceriani Sebregondi).
Sociology, Psychology and Cultural Anthropology: Sociology and the other social sciences (F. Barbano) - Religious sociology and its integration with other social disciplines (S. Burgalassi) - Relations between social psychology and the other social sciences (A. Massucco Costa) - Psychiatry as social science (E. Morpurgo, V. Porta, G. Salom) - Cultural anthropology in the framework of the human sciences. Comments for a memorandum (L. Bonacini Seppilli, R. Calisi, G. Cantalamessa Carboni, T. Seppilli, A. Signorelli, T. Tentori) - On the meaning of culture in the modern sociological outlook (A. Santucci).
Economics and statistics: Aspects of the relations between economics and the other social sciences (A. Scotto) - The function of consumption as a common field of research for economists, sociologists and psychologists (F. di Fenizio) - Statistics as a social science (S. Somogyi).
Law and Politics: The contribution of the social sciences to the study of law (R. Treves) - The present-day nominalistic direction in the theory of politics and law (B. Leoni) - Theory of politics and sociology (E. Pennati) - The use of sociological theory in political research (J. La Palombara).
Human Geography and Town-planning: Sociological contributions of human geography (P. Scotti) - Town-planning and the social sciences (L. Quaroni) - The relationship between town-planning and the other social sciences (C. Beguinot).
Theoretical premises: Town and country in the aims of geography (U. Toschi) - Urban society, rural society and farming society (A. Pagani) - Considerations on the town-country relationship in a process of socio-economic development (G. Morello).
Over-view of researches: Town-country relationships in parliamentary enquiries, from Unification to the present day (by SVIMEZ) - Town and country in the studies of Italian geographers (C. Della Valle) - Inter-dependence between town and country. Cultural aspects as seen from certain townplanning experiences (F. Clemente) - Town, country and programming in various zones of statal intervention, with particular regard to the Lombard Delta (P. Giordani) - Town-country relationships in the enquiries into nuclear towns in urban belts (by SVIMEZ) - Town-country relationships in the enquiries of social welfare workers (by SVIMEZ) - Town-country relationships in non-specialized cultural publications (by SVIMEZ) - Northern town and Southern country (F. Compagna).
Individual researches: Social instability in the Lombard Valley as reflected in the lower strata of society (D. Montaldi) - The inter-dependence of town
and country from the cultural aspect (C.C. Secchi) - Rural population and
agricultural families in the Abruzzi in the first half of the 20th Century (A. Grumelli) - An enquiry into population movements in the Mezzogiorno (G. Galasso) - Social and economic aspects of a community in Southern Italy (A. Anfossi) - The propensity towards risk as a dynamic element of a social-economic structure (F. Indovina) - The research activities of the Servizio contributi agricoli unificati (E. Capo, D. Martino).
On social studies in town-planning (V. Columbo) - Town-planning, urban institutions and structures (B. Scassellati and C. Trevisan) - Transit and support of immigration in a commune adjacent to the city of Turin (L. Saffirio) - Aspects of the immigration phenomenon in the Province of Milan (A. Casati) - Popular vocational guidance for youth in an experiment by the Administration of the Province of Milan (E. Peracchi and A. Giambruno) - Pilot study into immigration in certain communes of the Province of Milan (Research Group of CNPDS) - A sociological study of an under-developed rural community bordering on Rome (A. Ardigò) - Inter-dependence between town and country in data concerning the city of Milan (Statistical Services of the Municipality of Milan) - Some aspects of the town-country relationship in a village in Lucania (A. Signorelli).
Riconoscimento giuridico della scuola per assistenti sociali
Report of the Special Committee (*) - Examination of legislative proposals on the subject - 1959
After an in-depth study of the problem posed by certain legislative proposals on the school for social workers, the relevant Committee of the Centro suggests various solutions and ends by putting forward, in its turn, a proposal for legislation which would highlight the juridical aspects of the subject.
Concluding Report - Notes illustrating the legislative proposal - Outline of the legislative proposal - Approvals of the Chairmen of the Scientific Sections (G. Delitala, D. Macaggi, F. Battaglia, G. Demaria).
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: prof. M. Trimarchi.
Secretary: avv. L. Petri Dell’Oro.
Members: prof.ssa C. Abate, prof. R. Alessi, dott.ssa G. Bartellini Moech, dott. R. Bauer, avv. M. Boneschi, dott. A. Canali, prof. L. Diena, cons. M.L. Ghisalberti, prof. A. Giovanardi, cons. M. Lerma, prof.ssa R. Lombardini Giusti, pres. E. Medea, prof. A. Miotto, prof. G. Scherillo, prof. T. Senise, dott.ssa P. Tarugi, prof.ssa O. Vallin, avv. M. Venanzi, cons. F. Ventrice.
Atti del IV Congresso mondiale di sociologia
Milan-Stresa, Italy, 8th-15th September 1959
Organized by CNPDS and AISS
Ed. Laterza - Bari - 1959-1964 - 4 Vols.
Volume I - 353 pages
Sociology in its social Context
The scholars attending the IVth Congress were faced with the problem of a definition of sociology which would recognize the different aspects of the subject and respond to the various questions to which it gives rise in the economical, juridical, political and ethical-ideological fields. The Reports in this Volume examine the theme in relation to the situation pertaining in various countries.
Modern society and sociology (R. Aron) - Development and the current state of sociology in Latin America (G. Germani) - Sociology in France (F. Bourricaud) - Sociology in Japan in its social context (M. Shimmei) - Present-day sociology in Great Britain (T.B. Bottomore) - Sociology in India (R.N. Saksena) - Sociological studies and research in Italy (R. Treves) - Social conditions for the development of sociology in Yugoslavia (R. Lukic´) - Sociology and social mythology in post-War Poland (J. Chalasinski) - On the current state of sociology in Germany (T.W. Adorno) - The origins of sociology in Spain (E. Gómez Arboleya) - Sociology in America in its social context (B. Barber) - Sociology in the USSR (P.N. Fedoseev).
Atti del IV Congresso mondiale di sociologia
Milan-Stresa, Italy, 8th-15th September 1959
Organized by CNPDS and AISS
Ed. Laterza - Bari - 1959-1964 - 4 Vols.
Volume II
Sociology: Applications and Researches - 452 pages
This second Volume of the Proceedings of the Congress collates another series of Reports (see entry No. 38) with special reference to the problems related to social knowledge as well as to research and developments in the field of social planning.
Sociological knowledge and its application to industrial life (R. Clemens) - Agriculture and rural life in an industrializing society (E.W. Hofstee) - Principles and problems of the sociology of education (J. Floud) - Social health and welfare (N. Grascenkov) - Relationship between sociology and demography (L. Livi) - The application of sociology to the planning and administration of social welfare (H. Friis) - The present conditions of sociological knowledge on race relations (E.F. Frazier) - Recent world developments in applied sociology (R. Hill) - The sociology of leisure time (R. Bauer) - Medical sociology with particular regard to the study of hospitals (G. Reader - M. Goss) - The theoretical premises of social planning (G. Myrdal) - Problems and techniques of social planning (C. Bettelheim) - Social conditions and consequences of social planning (S. Ossowski) - Problems of the empirical method of social research (P. Lazarsfeld) - Recent methodological advances in sociology (J. Stoetzel) - Some recent developments in the relationship between theory and research (R. König).
Atti del IV Congresso mondiale di sociologia
Milan-Stresa, Italy, 8th-15th September 1959
Organized by CNPDS and AISS
Ed. Laterza - Bari - 1959-1964 - 4 Vols.
Volume III
Aspects and social Problems of economic Development in Italy - 264 pages
The Proceedings collected in this third Volume concentrate on the particular problems connected with social transformation in Italy, referring to the contrast between one zone and another, with special reference to country zones (under-developed areas) and industrialized zones.
Social aspects of economic development in Italy (M. Rossi Doria) - Internal transformations in Northern country districts and the exodus from rural areas (A. Ardigò) - Immigration and settlement of Southern farm-workers in the country areas of Central and Northern Italy (C. Barberis) - The poor areas of the Mezzogiorno and the resumption of migratory movements (G. Galasso) - The evolution of relations between town and country and the rise of new industrial centres in the Centre-Northern regions (A. Ardigò) - The evolution of relations between town and country in the Southern situation (F. Compagna) - The evolution of relations between employers and workers’ bodies in post-War Italy (F. Ferrarotti) - Economic, social and union aspects of internal transformations in organized labour: their relations with the rest of the individual communities (L. Gallino) - Migratory movements in the Province of Milan (E. Tortoreto) - Genoa and some aspects of internal immigration (L. Cavalli) - Consumption in Italy (F. Momigliano) - Social aspects of the industrialization of the Mezzogiorno (S. Cafiero) - Needs and problems of a policy of social and cultural transformation (G. De Rita-S. Cafiero) - Evolution and outlook of scholastic activities in Italy (G. De Rita).
Atti del IV Congresso mondiale di sociologia
Milan-Stesa, Italy, 8th-15th September 1959
Organized by CNPDS and AISS
Ed. Laterza - Bari - 1959-1964 - 4 Vols.
Volume IV
The political Élites - 212 pages
The fourth Volume of the Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Sociology gathers together a series of studies on the various significances referable from time to time to the political élites, having first set out the elements for identifying them and their generally accepted meanings relative to their respective ideological evaluations.
Political élites in minority theories (E. Pennati) - The theory of political class among democratic authors in Italy (N. Bobbio) - Political élites (G.E. Catlin) - Power, social stratification and political élites (W.L. Guttsman) - The conceptual and operative deficiencies of the model of political élitism (J. La Palombara) - Note on political élites (G. Lavau) - «Them»: vicissitudes of an idea. From political class to the élite of power (J.H. Meisel) - The meanings of the term «élite» (G. Sartori) - The evolution of popular parties and the transformation of political élites (A. Touraine).
Bibliografia della sociologia italiana (1948-1958)
By F. Barbano - M. Viterbi
Edited by CNPDS and AISS
Publications of the Institute of Political Sciences, Turin University
Presented to the IVth World Congress of Sociology
Milan-Stresa, Italy, 8th-15th September 1959
Ed. Ramella - Turin - 1959 - 158 pages
Within the framework of the work of the IVth World Congress of Sociology, the Centro presented this publication, which gives a panoramic bibliography of sociological studies by Italian experts, set out with appropriate methodology. It mentions publications in book form and also articles appearing in various reviews.
Science, methodology, sociological research: Studies and general problems - Sociology, philosophy, historicism, sociology of knowledge - Sociology and
social sciences; their integration - Studies and problems of sociological methodology - Methods and techniques of sociological research - Institutions, introductions, courses, lessons - Sociology in Italy and abroad, trends and conferences.
Sociological phenomenology: Groups, public opinion, stratifications, social mobility, classes - Signs, symbols, language, behaviour, communication - Social-cultural phenomena.
Sociology of political phenomena: Studies and general problems - Political class and ruling class - Political parties, apparatuses, pressure groups - Elections and propaganda.
Sociology of law - Sociology of religion: Studies and general problems - Social-religious phenomenology; concepts and methods of research - The sociology
of religion in Italy and abroad: trends and conferences - Experiences and
Sociology of education, leisure time - Sociology of economic phenomena -
Sociology of industrial phenomena: Studies and general problems in the company as a social system - Technological progress, automation and their sociological implications - Organization of labour and of the company: directors, managers and their training - Professional education, training, qualification, occupational mobility - Studies and researches.
Human relations: Studies, treatments, interpretations, general problems - Public relations in various fields of application - Rural sociology - Urban sociology and town-country inter-dependence.
Problemi sullo sviluppo delle aree arretrate
With an Introduction by Giovanni Demaria, dedicated to the memory of Giorgio Ceriani Sebregondi
Ed. Il Mulino - Bologna - 1960 - 344 pages XX
After the 1954 Congress (for the Proceedings of which, see entries Nos. 16-19) the relevant Committee (*) of the Centro continued its studies and enquiries into the problems of the under-developed areas: the subject of the studies collected in this Volume is the public-health and planning situation which arose in the period 1954-1958, reference being made to the legislation of the State and of the Regions, Sicily, Sardinia and Trentino-Alto Adige.
Recent contributions to the economic analysis of the under-developed areas (V. Ajmone Marsan) - Problems of developing the under-developed areas - Sociological aspects (G. Ceriani Sebregondi - G. De Rita) - Demographic aspects of the problem of the under-developed areas (N. Federici - R. Lenzi) - Employment situation in Italy (N. Micheletti Darbesio) - The public-health situation in the under-developed zones (L. Conti) - Town-planning aspects of the problem of the under-developed zones in Italy and Europe (A. Rossi - S. Tintori) - Juridical reflexes of town-planning and economic plans (M. Annesi) - Italian legislation on the under-developed areas, 1954-1958 (C. Ribolzi) - Regional legislation (S. Pandolfi).
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairmen: prof. G. Demaria, dott. G. Giudice.
Secretaries: dott. A. Beria di Argentine, prof. G. Gualtierotti, dott.ssa R. Rossanda Banfi.
Members: prof. A. Albini, prof. R. Alessi, prof. A. Alessandrini. G. Ambrico, prof. A. Banfi, S.E. E. Battaglini, dott. R. Bauer, dott.ssa V. Berla Olivetti, prof. P. Biscaretti di Ruffia, avv. M. Boneschi, cons. S. Borghese, pres. G. Brotzu, ing. F. Bruti Liberati, prof. P. Bucalossi, dott. C.M. Caronna, prof. G. Ceriani Sebregondi, prof. F. Chessa, dott. U. Chiappelli, prof. C. Chiodi, prof. V. Columbo, prof. G. Menotti De Francesco, prof. A. Della Beffa, prof. E. De Martino, dott. G. Di Meglio, prof. B. di Tullio, prof. L. Dodi, dott. C. Ducrey, prof. M. Fanno, prof. R. Franceschelli, avv. G. Funaro, prof. I. Gasparini, prof. C. Gerin, prof.ssa L. Gianferrari, prof. C. Grassetti, prof. A. Groppali, prof. U. La Malfa, prof. G. La Volpe, prof. P. Luzzatto Fegiz, dott. G. Maggio, dott. M. Manzotti, prof. L. Maroi, prof. E. Medea, prof. M. Misasi, prof. I. Nasso, prof. F. Natoli, prof. P. Nuvolone, dott. B. Paccagnella, dott. A. Pagani, dott. B. Pagani, S.E. S. Paulesu, S.E. F. Parri, prof. G. Pietranera, prof. S. Pozzani, cons. U. Radaelli, prof. C. Ribolzi, avv. R. Sanna Randaccio, prof. P. Saraceno, prof. A. Scotto, dott. F. Serra, prof. R. Tremelloni, prof. E. Vigorelli, cons. C. Viviani, sen. E. Zanotti Bianco.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
1 - Aspects of economic Theory and Policy
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1961 - 842 pages
Since the early months of 1959, the Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale promoted a vast series of studies, organized into working parties, with the aim of «analysing the social consequences of technological progress, and at the same time the social conditions in post-War Italy in which have occurred the important changes in the field of industrial production» having shown «that these changes, whether technological or organizational have assumed in the last few years a rhythm and importance such as to bring about profound changes in manufacturing and society and open up a range of problems of an entirely new type.» The work of the Study Committees of the International Congress on technological progress and the Italian changing society was carried out over some eighteen months. The Scientific Committee of the Congress - composed of scholars versed in disciplines which seemed most disparate but nevertheless achieved co-ordination in a most fruitful manner, given the general aim of the Congress - split the work among various Sub-Committees: socio­logical, economical, juridical and medical-bio-psychological. This first volume contains the Reports and communications which tackle the problems having a strictly economic content, from different standpoints: in the fields of market, commerce, banking, revenue, investments, free and planned production and also co-ordination between the banking institutions.
First topic: Technological progress, economic development, investments distribution of national income: Technological progress and the modern economy (G. Demaria) - Technological progress, prices and unemployment (F. Vito) - Productivity and wage-rate patterns in growing manufacturing industries (F. Hoffmann) - Innovation and growth, some suggestions for a necessary modernization (F. Perroux) - Planning of technical progress and planning of investments (P. Bassetti) - Depreciation and technical progress (C. Brasca) - Technical progress in economic theory (D. Cantarelli) - The effects of technical progress on the distribution of income (G. Di Nardi) - Profit and technical progress (F. Duchini) - Technical progress in a «mixed economy» (F. Feroldi) - Effects of technological progress on the distribution of the national income (I. Gasparini) - Technical progress and job mobility (M.R. Manfra) - On distribution mechanisms of the fruits of technical progress (G. Mazzocchi) - Criteria for the evaluation of increases in productivity (L. Pasinetti) - Planning of technical progress and planning of investments (S. Ricossa) - Technical progress, capital utilization and economic development (R.L. Marris) - Growth, investment and technical progress in Austria (T. Pütz) - Summary of the discussion on the first topic (G. Mazzocchi).
Second topic: Technological progress, types of market, commercial, financial and fiscal structure: The effects of technical progress on the field of investments and the relationship between investment policy and technical progress (A. Agnati) - The effects of technical progress on the structure of international trade (T. Biagiotti) - Ordinary credit and technical progress (G. Corna Pellegrini) - Technical progress and international trade (O. D’Alauro) - Technical innovations and oligopolies (M. De Luca) - Technical progress and availability of liquid funds (L. Frey) - Types of market and technical progress (A. Frumento) - Technical progress and the structure of agricultural undertakings (G. Galizzi) - The effects of technical progress on the structure of international trade (R. Galli) - Technical progress and exchange relations between agricultural and industrial countries (O. Garavello) - Small and large businesses in the face of technical progress (A. Predetti) - Notes on problems connected with the relationship between fiscal policy and technological progress (A. Scotto) - Summary of the discussion on the second topic (by A. Agnati).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
2 - Economic Effects of technological Progress on the Italian industrial Economy (1938-1958)
Volume I, General Part; Volume II, Engineering industries; Volume III, Various industries
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1961-62 - 3 Vols. - 223-669 pages 12 plates - 434 pages 4 plates
The second day’s session of the Congress was devoted to considering the economic effects of technological progress on Italian industry between 1938 and 1958: the results are assembled in three volumes, the first of which represents the general part and contains the reports with special regard to the development of mechanization and the resulting impulse given to scientific research.
The second volume collects studies on the effects of the progress on the economies of Italian industries. The third volume contains the Reports dealing specifically with the papermaking, cement, textile and iron and steel industries.
Strategic factors of the technical development of Italian industry (1938-1958) (N. Andreatta) - Organization and development of scientific research in Italy (F. Gatto) - Economic determinants of mechanization (S. Melman) - Technological transformation of machine tools and internal transportation (G.F. Micheletti) - Technical progress and post-War rate of growth in Italy (P.N. Rosenstein-Rodan) - Some reflections on the relationship between technical progress and economic structure (S. Lombardini) - General considerations on technological development over the last fifteen years (C. Panseri-S. Sacchi).
Some data on the influence of technological progress on the development of a precision industry (L. Bono-P. Sillano) - Technical progress in the electronic industry (L. Craici) - Notes on some variations introduced into the naval ship-building industries in the post-War era (F. Cristofori) - Technical progress in a firm building radio sets (P.P. Di Roberto) - The machine-tool industry and the development of the Italian economy (S. Leonardi) - Considerations on technical progress at FIAT, in the motor-manufacturing industry (O.M. Sassi) - Report on technical advances in the electrical engineering industry from 1938 to 1958 (A. Zancan) - Technological progress and organizational development in Olivetti. A study of the internal factors in a firm’s expansion (L. Gallino).
Technological progress of the Italian paper-making industry (P. Bersano) -
Technological progress in the Italian cement industry (C. Cesareni-F. Cova) - The refractory industry and technological progress (L. Cini-A. Mauri) - Technological progress in the mining industry (P. Corna Pellegrini) - The woolen industry and problems associated with technological progress (G. Gamberini) - Technical progress in the natural and man-made fibres industry (L. Notarbartolo) - Technological development between 1945 and 1958 in the Italian railways sector (U. Polettini) - Report on technical progress in the Italian iron and steel industry (A. Scortecci) - Technical and organizational progress in the Italian cotton industry in the post-War era (S. Vaccà-E. Honegger) - Technical progress in the production and fabrication of aluminium (M. Vianello).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
3 - Transformations in Business Organization in Terms of technological Progress (1945-1960)
Ed. Il Mulino - Bologna - 1961 - 239 pages
The Proceedings collected in this Volume contain the Reports which examined the development of the organization in industrial undertakings, with special attention being given to the training of managers. A specific study was made of the organizational situation at Olivetti, employing a questionnaire addressed to workers, skilled tradesmen and students.
Transformation in the business organization in terms of technological progress (G. Martinoli) - Business organization and industrial management: the impact of technological change (T.E. Chester - G. Forsyth) - The social implications of office automation. A Report of a research project in progress (G. Westerlund) - Aspects of organizational development in Olivetti (1946-1959) (L. Gallino) - Problems of selection and of investigations in a metal-working firm in Turin (A. Massucco Costa - I. Brusa) - The evaluation of a training course for business managers (D. Giattino - F. Volpe).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
4 - Workers and Trade Unions in the Face of Transformations in the productive Process
Edited by Franco Momigliano
Ed. Feltrinelli - Milan - 1961 - 2 Vols. - 730 - 461 pages
These two Volumes contain the Proceedings of the Congress’ fourth day’s study session, dealing with problems inherent to trade union organizations and
their consequences: nature of their work, territorial areas of outstanding
importance. Attention was also given to the publications of the union press.
Introduction: Aspects of the problem in a European framework - Attitudes of workers and position of trade unions in the face of technical progress (G. Friedmann with the collaboration of J. Dofny) - The international organization of labour in the face of technological change (G. Spyropoulos) - Attitude of workers in the iron and steel industry in the face of technical change (F. Ferrarotti) - Outline aspects and specific features of the problem in an Italian context -
Current trends and problems of workers and unions in the face of the
transformations in manufacturing processes in Italy (General Summary Report) (F. Momigliano) - Historical aspects of the attitude of workers in the face of technical progress and transformations in the organization of production (L. Dal Pane) - The CGIL in the face of the technological transformation of Italian industry (V. Foa-P. Trentin) - The policies and experiences of CISL (L. Ferrario) - Trade unions and technological progress (F. Simoncini) - Technological progress and collective agreements on terms of employment (G. Giugni) - Impact of technological progress on the elements of pay on professional enrolment of workers and on the organizational and contractual structure of Trade Unions in the CGIL (A. Tatò) - Technological progress and salary structure (C. Vannutelli) - Level, structure and recent development of salaries in Italy in the light of available statistical documentation (I.F. Mariani) - Dynamics of pay and of employment in industry in the Province of Turin (S. Garavini) - Differences in the levels and dynamics of pay and employment in the various Provinces of Italy (R. Cominotti-R. Garavini-A. Barabino) - Negotiation of collective agreements on technological unemployment (N. De Pamphilis-P. Merli Brandini) - Problems and experiences of negotiating work qualifications and employment in the face of technical progress (R. Spesso) - Considerations on an endeavour to re-organize terms of employment for the introduction of «Job Evaluation» schemes (B. De Cesaris) - Collective agreements on work study and job evaluation schemes (N. Cacace) - Class wages in Italy (B. Broglia).
Employees in industry and technical and organizational transformations (Sociological research on firms in Turin) (A. Anfossi) - Works Committees and technical progress (Sociological research in the industrial area of Turin) (L. Gallino-F. Barbano) - The attitude of Works Committee members to technological progress (Study undertaken in the industrial area of Milan by the Centre of Economic and Social Studies) (M. Allione) - Importance of technological progress in the trade union press (Research paper on the content of mass communication media) (F. Barbano-C. Marletti-P. Gallo).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
5 - Changes in the social Structure
Alessandro Pizzorno, Community and rationalization. Sociological study of a case of industrial development
Ed. Einaudi - Turin - 1960 - 431 pages 6 Tables
The fifth day’s session of the Congress was devoted to themes concerning changes in social structures as a result of technological progress. The research, whose results were presented to the participants, had been obtained through an analysis of questionnaires: they were subsequently embodied in six publications (in entries Nos. 51-56) co-ordinating the salient elements of each study. This first Volume presents the structural evolution of a community in transition from a strictly agrarian to an industrial economy, taking, by way of sample, the community of Rescaldina.
Our community: Commune of Rescaldina - Geographical situation - Climatology - Hydrography - Fauna - The community and surrounding areas - General conditions in surrounding areas - Demographic development and population movement - Professional composition of the inhabitants - Non-active inhabitants - Radio/TV.
The town-planning structure: Localization of the community - Evolution of planning structures of Rescaldina. First phase - The old lay-out - The new lay-out - Second phase - Third phase - The centres of society life - Conclusion.
Industrial development: The new business ventures - The arrangement of
medium-size firms and rationalization of larger ones - Productive cycle of the textile company - Strikes - The later phases of reorganization.
The logic rationalization: Internal policy - Trade union policy - Community policy.
The implications of work: Fatigue - The special position of working wives - Paternalism and hierarchy - Relations with colleagues - Job security - Attitudes towards technical progress - Trade union participation.
The family: Parent-child relationships .
The parish: The parish in the old community lay-out: an elective parish administration - How the parish presents itself in the new community lay-out - Problems of parish policy - Religious ceremonies - Means of bringing people closer to the church - Religious congregations - Catholic action - An integrating policy in the parish - Conclusions on religious life in the community.
Cultural values: Reading - Cultural antiquity - Dialect.
Leisure-time and mass communication media - Forms of society: Age groups - History of clubs - Neighbourhood and family clubs - Specialized associations - Groups of friends - Conclusion.
Social groups and power in the community - Conclusions.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
5 - Changes in social Structure
Leone Diena, Men and the masses. Research paper on attitudes of working life in a large industrial city
Ed. Einaudi - Turin - 1960 - 246 pages
The Proceedings of the Congress contained in this publication deal with the
results of the examination of changes in the social structures and attitudes in working life. The research was based on interviews within an industrial
community, minutely analysing life, customs, aspirations and leisure-time
activities. The subjects interviewed were chosen according to their various social origins: immigrants, commuters and employees of large and small industrial firms.
The development of the study - Work possibilities and international questionnairies - Living conditions - Those who make themselves busy - Interest in the job - Integration of working and leisure-time - Dissociated personalities - Difficulties of achievement - The working environment - The family - Friends - Societies - Cinema and television - Reading - Other leisure-time activities - Opinions on politics, on technical progress and on the position of the young - Interviews with: eight immigrant workers; four Milanese workers; three workers who commute daily to work; six workers in small firms; four workers in large industrial firms; four trade unionists.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
5 - Changes in social Structure
Eugenio Peggio, Mario Mazzarino, Valentino Parlato, Industrialization and under-development. Technological progress in a Province in the Mezzogiorno.
Ed. Einaudi - Turin - 1960 - 277 pages 1 Table
This Volume contains the results of the third study on changes in social structures as a result of technological progress. The research had been carried out in the Province of Syracuse, recognizing the fact that it contained industries of different sizes with special transformation effects of an economic and demographic nature, especially in the community of Priolo.
The Province of Syracuse before the advent of industrialization. I. - Industrial development in the Province of Syracuse: Factors favouring the advance of industrialization - Development incentives for industry in national and regional legislation - The new industries - The Rasion refinery - Sincat and Celene - The Augusta Petrochemical complex - Other chemical industries - Modifications to pre-existing industrial activities - Development of production and revenue in agriculture - Workable land and division of farming areas - Distribution of property, types of undertaking and people engaged in agriculture - Development of investments - Agricultural production and sales value in agriculture - The organization of agricultural markets - Tertiary activities - Commerce - Banking -Transport - Prospects for further industrial development.
II. - Industrialization and the labour market: Demographic dynamics - The distribution of labour forces - Labour forces, employment and unemployment - New industrial jobs - Induced employment and unemployment - Adjustments in the distribution of labour forces - Working conditions in the new factories - Methods of engaging labour - Professional training - Qualifications - Hours of work - Works canteens - The handicapped and professional illnesses- Relations between management and labour and the position of independent trade unions - Works committees - The pay situation - Levels of pay in agriculture - The development of wage earning masses - The development of purchasing power in relation to cost-of-living movements - Trade union organizations in the face of industrialization.
III. - Transformation in the economy and in society: The dynamics of income - Food consumption - Some aspects of the social environment: The state of housing - Cultural activities - The scholastic situation: A. Elementary school - B. Lower secondary school - C. Further technical and professional education - D. Further classical and scientific education and teacher-training - Some special features - Priolo, from an agricultural community to a working centre in the process of industrialization - Concluding considerations.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
5 - Changes in social Structure
Angelo Pagani, Classes and social dynamics with methodological Appendix by Pasquale Scaramozzino
(duplicated form) - 1960 - 202 pages 57 general tables
The research into changes in social structure as a result of technological progress was carried out in the Province of Milan and the results were condensed into 57 tables with appropriate accompanying comment. It marks the beginning of a sociological study which analyses social differences from the statistical and dynamic point of view, with full recognition of all the various sectors.
Attitudes towards work: - Work satisfaction - Work wished for - Independent work - Wife’s work - Children’s work - Attitudes towards social change: Changes in living and working conditions - Necessary qualities to be established in life - The chances of advancement - The tendency towards risk - Attitudes towards study: Parental level of education - Study carried out by children - Study plans for children - Attitudes towards the social classes: Social differences - Recognizability of the classes - Distinctive features of the upper class - Identification of one’s own class - Criteria for identification of one’s own class - The construction of the scale of prestige - Method and history of the research (P. Scaramozzino).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
5 - Changes in social Structure
Tullio Seppilli, Masculine and feminine roles and the family institution in a rural community in the course of transition in Central Italy
(duplicated form) - 1960 - 164 pages 80 tables
Within the framework of the research for the Congress on technological progress, the study of the phenomenology inherent in the changes in social structure relative to the masculine and feminine roles within the circle of the family institution, was carried out in the community of Cantalice, taken as a sample of a rural community in the course of transition in Central Italy.
Objectives, problematical bases, methodology, phases and techniques of the study - The community of Cantalice in transition: Psychological study of students in the Commune of Cantalice - Attitudes towards work away from home undertaken by women - Perception of masculine and feminine roles among adolescents - The structure of the family institution - Attitudes regarding the ideal number of children.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
Various authors - Changes in social Structure
Report on the subject and summary of discussions at the Congress
Ed. Einaudi - Turin - 1963 - 372 pages
Within the framework of the work of the Congress, the study on changes in social structure associated with technological development was partly carried out in a sectorial setting (see entries Nos. 52-55), while in this Volume are collected various contributions and the summary of the discussions at the Congress. Additionally, an examination is made of changes in social structure in other countries and account is taken of the sociological, economic, pedagogic and statistical aspects of the material.
Technical develoment and social structure (R. Koenig) - The social implications of technical change (UNESCO - Department of Social Sciences) - Regional differentiations in the light of social-economic phenomena (S. Somogyi) - Methodological orientations and research themes in the study of stratification (A. Pagani) - Social stratification and social mobility in Northern countries (C. Carlsson-K. Svalastoga) - Family roles in the industrial society (F. Leonardi) - Changes in the role of professional and cultural transformation (G. De Rita) - Social transformations and requirements of cultural evolution (G. Zappa) - Professional qualification analysed as a social implication of technological progress (F. Barbano-M. Griseri) - Qualification of manual work and cultural evolution in the process of economic and technological develoment (P. Longo) - Teaching, professional qualification and technological progress (IRES of Turin) - Technological progress and transformations of Italian society. Pedagogic considerations (G.M. Bertin).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
6 - Attitudes towards technological Progress: Expectations, Education and Work Activities of a large Section of the Milanese Population
Documentation edited by the Statistical Services of the Municipality of Milan -1960 - 370 pages
This publication, within the scope of the Proceedings of the Congress, collates all the statistical documentation on the study undertaken among the Milanese population by the Statistical Services of the Municipality of Milan, in collaboration with the Centro. It consists of a series of indicative tables, which examine the sociologically relevant phenomena regarding mobility among various social structures, giving special attention to the most pressing problems.
Subjects interviewed, classified by sex, age, place of birth, type of school attended and qualifications obtained, place and type of work and business undertaking in which employed - Data concerning parents (civil status) - Period of residence in Milan and period of service in present job - Professional position - Mobility and attitudes towards professional instruction and choice of work.
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the National Research Council
7 - Juridical Aspects
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1960 - 272 pages 1 table
This Volume assembles the studies on the juridical aspects which are involved in the phenomenology of technological progress, both in the private law and public law fields, with new juridical institutions. An examination is made of new technical structures in the field of criminal justice, with due attention given to deficiencies in the relevant normative provisions.
Technological progress and legislative function (G. Potenza-F. Piga) - Technological progress and public administration (P. Melito-R. Granata) - Taxation system and technological progress (A. Berliri-E. Capaccioli-F. Pasquera-P.L. Vigna) - Judicial system and technological progress (N. Bernardini) - Civil justice and technological progress (S. Borghese) - Penal justice and technological progress (A. De Mattia) - Technological progress and Private Law (G. Santini) - Studies on the juridical control of business and problems of application and adaptation relative to technological progress (T. Carnacini-F. Mancini-U. Romagnoli) - Juridical problems of nuclear energy (M. Annesi) - Technological progress and nuclear safeguards (P. Sacerdoti) - Summary Report (E. Capaccioli).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di studio sul progresso tecnologico e la società italiana in trasformazione
Milan, Italy, 28th June-3rd July 1960
Promoted by the Municipality of Milan and CNPDS under the auspices of the Italian National Research Council
8 - Medical-bio-psychological Aspects
Ed. Vita e Pensiero - Milan - 1960 - 279 pages
This last Volume of the Proceedings of the Congress assembles the results of the research into problems concerning the public-health aspects of technological progress, referring to professional orientations; due attention is given to the incidence of accidents and the possibilities of reintegrating the injured into productive life.
Characteristics of professional selection and orientation brought about in
Italy by technological progress (L. Meschieri-M. Cesa Bianchi) - Problems of motivation at work in relation to technological innovations (L. Ancona-A. Quadrio) - Some aspects of industrial work motivation in relation to technical progress (A. Dalla Volta-M. Zucchi) - The evolution of professional pathology in relation to technological progress (E.C. Vigliani-L. Parmeggiani) - Introduction to health problems posed by technological progress in automated processes (A. Seppilli) - Variations in accident rates in civil and productive life in relation to technical progress (L. Conti) - Variations in the opportunities for the victims of accidents to participate again in civil and productive life in relation to technical progress (S. Boccardi - L. Conti) - Research on health aspects (physical and
social environment) of the processes of technological and organizational
transformation in an industrial firm in Central Italy: Introduction (A. Seppilli) - Evolution of the structural development of the factory and of entrepreneurial attitudes (A. Grassi-P. Orlandi-M. Potenza) - The environment of the factory and hygiene conditions in individual departments (M. Mori-G. Ciacca) -
Opinions and attitudes of workers towards the technological development of their work-place (L. Meschieri) - Summary Report (E.C. Vigliani).
Atti del Convegno nazionale di studio su alcune fra le più urgenti
riforme del diritto penale
Come-Bellagio-Milan, 24th-27th April 1958; Milan-Bellagio, Italy, 23rd-26th April 1959
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1961 - 721 pages 1 plate
Penalties and security measures were the subject of study at this Conference: the criterion of unification of penalties and security measures prevailed there, in relation to the personality of the accused, as well as the principle of the rehabilitative function of the sentence and the study of the personality of the offender in terms of penal liability, in its practical applications.
Function and criteria for determining the penalty and measures of security in the current penal and prison system, with reference also to the sentence of life-imprisonment (P. Nuvolone) - Function and criteria for determining the penalty and security measures in the current penal and prison system, with reference also to the sentence of life-imprisonment: bio-criminological aspects (C.M. Cattabeni) - Observations for a reform of life-imprisonment (A. De Mattia) - Objective liability with special regard to the commission of a crime different from the one intended and to the new regulation of crimes committed by means of the press (G.D. Pisapia-M. Lener) - Merger of proceedings (S. Ranieri) - The problem of causality in the merger of proceedings (V. Napoletano) - The problem of pre-existing aggravating causes from the procedural point of view (M. Dondina) - Causality in merger of proceedings: medical-legal aspects (C. Gerin) - Rules governing attempt (G. Vassalli).
In quale misura si giustifichino le differenze tra lo statuto legale e il trattamento dei minori, dei giovani adulti e degli adulti delinquenti
Report of CNPDS presented to the VIth International Congress on Social Defence
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 22nd-26th May 1961
Bi-lingual edition in Italian and French
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1961 - 60 pages
The Report, presented by the Centro at the Congress, seeks to demonstrate several possible solutions, related to degree of individual development at different ages, for the imposition of penalties on minors: no criminal penalties for children less than fourteen years of age - specific assessment of level of maturity for offenders between fourteen and eighteen - imposition of penal sentences on young persons between eighteen and twenty-five, including cases of proven immaturity.
Age in Comparative Criminal Law - Bio-psychological maturity of humans
and the process of reaching maturity - Measures of re-education, penalties and security measures and differentation of treatments - Sociological aspects.
(*) The Report was drawn up by a Study Committee chaired by: dott. N. Reale
Members: prof. F. Alberoni, cons. G. Altavista, dott. G. di Gennaro, prof. E. Ferracuti, prof. M. Fontanesi, prof. V. Porta, dott. G. Reale, cons. G. Tartaglione, prof. E. Valentini
Un caso di ricerca sociale e di azione sui centri di decisione politica. Il Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale
by Vincenzo Tomeo
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1961 - 32 pages
This Volume presents the first summary of the history of the Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale, illustrating its origins, aims and results (up to 1961). The study forms part of the research on relationships between sociologists and centres of power where decisions are made (see entry No. 63), setting out here the functional organization of the Centro.
Origin, structure and function of the CNPDS - Its activities - Cultural collab­oration with local, national and international Institutions - Organization of Conferences and participation in Conferences.
    Sociologi e centri di potere in Italia
Report of CNPDS and AISS to the Vth World Congress of Sociology (Washington, USA, September 1962), discussed at the Ancona Conference, 4th-5th November 1961
Ed. Laterza - Bari - 1962 - 362 pages
This Volume assembles, as the Report of the Centro to the Washington Congress to which it relates, the studies by its experts on the theme of the relationship between centres of power and sociologists in political-economic matters. For this occasion, the Centro had organized a Conference at Ancona.
Sociologists and centres of power in Italy (R. Treves) - Parliament (F. Ferrarotti) - The Central Administration (G. De Rita) - The Local Administration (A. Pagani) - The Judicial Administration (D. Greco) - The parties and trade unions (F. Barbano) - Industry (L. Gallino) - School (A. Ardigò) - Organs carrying out cultural and social activities (T. Tentori) - Centres engaged in forming public opinion (G. Galasso) - Social researches, agrarian reform and community development (G.A. Marselli) - A study on the Milanese Federation of the Italian Socialist Party (A. Carbonaro) - The employment of the results of an enquiry into low quality housing in Genoa (L. Cavalli) - The study offices of local administrations (F. Demarchi) - The Società Umanitaria (L. Diena) - A study-enquiry into post-elementary school in Calabria (G. Gozzer) - A religious-educative institution and its centres for study and research (P.G. Grasso) - An example of relationships between sociologists and trade-unionists (V. Rieser) - The Centro nazionale di prevenzione e difesa sociale (V. Tomeo).
I procedimenti in Camera di consiglio
Study Conference organized to mark the centenary of the Review «Monitore dei Tribunali»
Milan, Italy, 17th-19th December 1960
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1962 - 653 pages
The Volume contains, inter alia, the official Reports and those presented by scholars of the subject-matter: the complex nature of proceedings in chambers, in which elements of jurisdiction and administration are merged, was examined by the scholars in its various implications, giving due regard also to comparative law aspects and suggestions de iure condendo.
The principles governing consensual legal proceedings in West Germany (F. Baur) - Consensual proceedings. Brief notes on Belgian Law (S.C. Versele) - Review of the way in which the English legal system regulates proceedings analogous to those defined in Italy as «giurisdizione volontaria» (E.H. Wall) - General principles and field of application (G. Franchi) - Procedure and execution (G. Ferrara, L. Ichino, G. Pugliese, M. Scamoni) - Accusations and their withdrawal (A. Massari) - Notes on the purpose of hearings in chambers (L. Ammatuna) - Comments on hearings in chambers, with special reference to provisions for Company Law matters (F. Bellati) - Provisions for «volontaria giurisdizione» in bankruptcy proceedings (L. Bianchi d’ Espinosa) - The executive aspect of hearings in chambers (F. Bucolo) - Hearings in chambers in the Juvenile Court (A. Dell’Oro) - Notes in favour of a reform of proceedings in chambers (F. De Marco) - Proceedings for adoption (L. Di Oreste) - Brief notes on the administrative nature of consensual proceedings (G. Ferrara) - Brief proposals for the reform of the rules on hearings in chambers (G. Flore) - Comments and proposals for amending the procedure for hearings in chambers (G. Franchi) - Notes and proposals on proceedings in chambers in response to consensual applications by the parties (F. Pantaleo Gabrieli) - Drawbacks and incongruities of some hearings in chambers (C. Giannattasio) - Observations on appeals and rescission of orders made in chambers (G. Guglielmetti) - Brief introductory thoughts on the limits of Italian jurisdiction on hearings in chambers in response to consensual applications by the parties (L. Marmo) - Thoughts on reforming the positive regulation of hearings in chambers in consensual proceedings (G.A. Micheli) - Proceedings in chambers and legal provisions of a penal nature (P. Nuvolone) - Procedure and execution of orders made in chambers in matters of family law and civil status (E. Ondei) - Liability for costs and procedural expenses in consensual proceedings (P. Pajardi) - Brief considerations of administrative law on hearings in chambers (C. Ribolzi) - Hearings in chambers and certain special Laws (S. Rosso) - Synopsis of reforms of proceedings in chambers (N. Sbrocca) - Brief thoughts and proposals on consensual proceedings (M. Stella Richter) - Declaration of statelessness (M. Usai) - General rules on consensual proceedings (B.S. Vanadia) - Some cases of hearings in chambers under special laws (M. Vaselli-E. Brugnatelli) - Notes on consensual proceedings (P. Veltri) - Provisions for consensual proceedings in the subjects covered in Book I of the Civil Code, «On Persons and the Family» (G. Ferrara) - Appendix: Review of monographic works on hearings in chambers, 1942-59 (P. Pajardi) - Review of court cases dealing with hearings in chambers, 1942-59 (P. Pajardi) - Survey de jure condendo in Italian legal theory (A. Bergomi) - Legislative texts: Austrian law (G. Franchi) - French law (G. Bartellini Moech) - Polish law (G. Franchi) - German law (V. Colesanti) - Notes on foreign regulation of the subject: - France (S. Sismondini) - USA (E. Calabi).
I problemi posti dalla pubblicità data agli atti criminosi e alle procedure penali
Report presented by CNPDS to the VIIIth International Congress of the International Association of Penal Law
Lisbon, Portugal, 21st-27th September 1961
Bi-lingual edition in Italian and French
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan -1962 - 212 pages
This publication collects a number of Reports presented to the above-mentioned Congress and the Report of the CNPDS on the subject of the exercise of the right of information. It shows that, while it could in one way reflect a possible control over public opinion on the administration of justice, it should not, on the other hand, stand in the way of the search for truth, even less harm individual personal rights.
Introductory Reports (P. Cornil, F. Terrou, F. Lanfranchi and A. Orvieto) - Reports on current legislation in Great Britain, France, West Germany, Belgium, USA (L. Radzinowicz, J.B. Herzog, E. Heinitz, A.C. Versele, G.O.W. Mueller, E.H. Wall) - Reports on Italian legislation (M. De Pietro, U. Terracini, M. Giu­stiniani, A. De Mattia, P. Nuvolone, G.D. Pisapia) - Final Report (G. Delitala) - Report of the Study Committee (*) of CNPDS.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: prof. G. Delitala.
Secretary: dott.ssa G. Bartellini Moech.
Members: dott. A. Beria di Argentine, prof. G. Conso, dott. A. De Mattia, pres. M. De Pietro, pres. M. Giustiniani, dott. V. Lanfranchi, prof. P. Nuvolone, avv. A. Orvieto, prof. G.D.
Pisapia, avv. L. Rubini, cons. A. Salvini, sen. U. Terracini, prof. G. Vassalli.
Pene e misure di sicurezza - Modificabilità e suoi limiti
Proceedings of the Study Conference held at Como-Bellagio, Italy, 29th April-1st May 1961
No..1, Collection of Study Conferences «Enrico de Nicola - Current Problems in Criminal Law and Procedure»
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1962 - 383 pages
This Volume initiates the Collection of studies of current problems of Criminal Law and Procedure linked with annual Conferences in honour of Enrico de Nicola. The Reports presented at this first Conference were prompted by the publication of a Bill in 1960 dealing with the prison system and the prevention of juvenile delinquency; the research was then extended to the whole theme of punishment and security measures.
Verification of dangerous propensities in the normal court process of ascertaining facts (P. Nuvolone) - Verification of dangerous propensities in the Juvenile Court (U. Pioletti) - Verification of dangerous propensities in the execution of penal judgments (G. Tartaglione) - Means of appeal in the security process (A. Gambini) - The suspended order of imprisonment as a specific means of prevention (A. De Mattia) - Suspended sentences (S. Messina) - Judicial pardon (M. Dondina) - Suspended sentences (G. Foschini) - Progression of treatment. Conditional discharge. Parole. Pardon (G. Vassalli, G. Altavista, G. di Gennaro).
Gli squilibri regionali e l’articolazione dell’intervento pubblico
Proceedings of the Study Conference held at Turin and at St. Vincent, Italy, 3rd-7th September 1961, promoted by the Organizing Committee of the
Exhibition of Regions and organized by CNPDS
Ed. Lerici - Milan - 1962 - 973 pages 1 table
The Volume contains the Report presented to the Conference, which examined all the social and economic-cultural implications deriving from the imbalances existing among the various Regions of Italy. Remedies suggested included an apter intervention by central authorities with a view to eliminating current inequalities and promoting an effective overall plan.
The basic motivation of regional industrialization (G. Demaria) - Economic disparities in the Regions in the light of thought and experiences in the South (F. Vito) - Economic inequalities between the Regions and national unity (G. Luzzatto) - The problem of the diversity and regional inequalities in Italian political culture between unification and the fall of the «right» (G. Talamo) - The problem of the diversity and regional inequalities in Italian political culture from the fall of the «right» to the advent of Fascism (G. Arfé) - Notes on public action and inequalities from the period of unification to the advent of Fascism (A. Caracciolo) - The historical aspects of regional inequalities (E. Passerin d’Entrèves) - Problems inherent in the zones of attraction (L. Gallino) - Problems inherent in the zones of flight (F. Compagna) - Local instruments of social intervention in the zones of flight (G.A. Marselli) - Central instruments of social intervention in the zones of attraction (G. De Rita) - Local instruments of social intervention in the zones of attraction (A. Ardigò) - The sociological aspects of regional inequal­ities (F. Curato) - Instruments of quantitative analysis in research on the regional plans (F. Modigliani) - Experiences of studies and regional planning in Italy (G. Corna Pellegrini) - Schemes for town planning programmes and fiscal planning for an inter-communal regulatory plan (F. Forte) - Some experiences of regional analysis in economically developed areas (A. Detragiache) - Aspects of the method of regional programming as an instrument of a policy of economic development in Italy (B. Manzocchi) - Methodological scheme for an «indicative» programming of economic development on the regional and inter-regional plane (V. Cao Pinna) - Legislative experiences and their juridical classification (R. Granata-P. Melito) - Needs of planning and position of the problem in Constitutional Law, with particular regard to national plans (M. Annesi) - Local articulation of planning (G. Marongiu) - Juridical instruments for forming and implementing plans (E. Capaccioli) - The juridical aspects in regional inequalities (G. Potenza) - Summary Report: Aims and methods of regional plans in relation also to national development plans (S. Lombardini).
Problemi giuridici della prevenzione e della repressione in materia di spettacolo
Proceedings of the Study Conference held at Como-Bellagio, Italy, 28th-30th April 1962
No..2, Collection of Study Conferences «Enrico de Nicola - Current Problems in Criminal Law and Procedure»
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1963 - 367 pages
The second «de Nicola» Conference took the occasion of the publication of Law No. 161 of 1962 on the control of censorship, to study its effects: it was demonstrated that various problems remain unresolved, including the lack of preventive interventions, under appropriate jurisdiction, by the Council of State, in connection with the grant of a «nihil obstat» for programmes open to the public. The penalistic aspects of the problems were also examined.
The Constitutional validity of censorship (P. Biscaretti di Ruffia) - Censorship and police activities relative to shows open to the public (A. Amorth) - Prevention in matters concerning public spectacles: penal aspects relative to the problem of public order (G. Lattanzi) - Penal repression in regard to cinema and theatre shows (P. Nuvolone) - Procedural aspects of penal repression in regard to public shows (G.D. Pisapia) - Penal sequestration of film (G. Foschini) - Relationship between prevention and repression. Penalistic aspects (G. Vassalli) - Relationship between prevention and repression in matters of public entertainments (E. Capaccioli).
I reati della circolazione stradale
Proceedings of the First Italo-Yugoslav Juridical Conference, promoted by the Yugoslav Union of Jurists Associations and by the Juridical Section of CNPDS, Belgrade-Sarajevo-Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 31st May-6th June 1962
The Volume also contains a lecture on Constitutional justice and the Italian
The collaboration of the jurists of the Centro with the «Yugoslav Union of Jurists Associations» got under way with regular study-days and exchanges. The first ones took as their theme a juridical problem of common interest relating to crimes on the roads: the respective legal provisions in the two countries on this subject were discussed.
Reports: - The control of road traffic offences in Italian law (G. Rosso) -
The control of road traffic offences in Yugoslav law (J. Crnogorcevic´) - Constitutional justice in the Italian system (L. Bianchi d’Espinosa).
Problemi relativi all’applicazione della legge 20 febbraio 1958 N. 75
Prophylaxis of venereal Diseases
Report of the Study Committee (*) - 1963 - 79 pages
The first years of operation of Law No. 75 of 1958 had aroused a measure of disquiet on the social-public health plane, in the light of the spread of venereal diseases. The relevant Committee of the Centro examined the situation that had developed in order to study the limits of an intervention by the public health authorities aimed at establishing a degree of prophylaxis from the medical-legal point of view and the adoption of repressive measures in the juridical context.
Concluding Report of the Scientific Section - Concluding Report of the Medical, Sociological and Juridical Sub-Committees - Systematic exposition of cases in the courts and legal doctrine on the interpretation and application of the Law of 20th February 1958 No. 75 (1958-1961) - Application and effects of Law No. 75 in the inaugural debates of the judicial years 1959/60/61/62 of the attorneys-general at the Courts of Appeal.
(*) The composition of the Committee was: Chairman: cons. M. Borrelli.
Juridical Sub-Committee: Chairman, cons. M. Borrelli; Secretaries, dott. V. D’Orsi, cons. G. Rosso; Members: pres. A. Beria di Argentine, avv. G. Brusasca, avv. F. Clerici, pres. A. De Falco, avv. C. Degli Occhi, cons. A. De Mattia, pres. M. De Ruggiero, avv. M. Dondina, dott. F.D. Di Migliardo, avv. E. Fabrizi, avv. C. Lancellotti, avv.ssa M. Lancellotti Mari, cons. G. Monti, avv. A. Orvieto, avv. L. Paleari, sen. V. Palumbo, prof. G.D. Pisapia, avv. C. Toffoletti, cons. P. Veltri.
Medical Sub-Committee: Chairman, prof. A. Crosti; Secretaries: dott. B. Sica, dott.ssa L. Conti; Members: dott. L. Beltramini, dott. C.M. Cattabeni, prof. A. Della Ceffa, prof. C. Ducrey, prof. M. Fiamberti, prof. G. Garavaglia, sen. D. Macaggi, P. Malcovati, prof. C. Marrubini, prof. M. Monacelli, prof. D. Origlia.
Sociological Sub-Committee: Chairman, prof. G.M. Bertin; Secretary, prof. A. Pagani; Members: prof. F. Alberoni, prof. F. Barbano, prof. C. Musatti, prof. E. Pennati, dott.ssa B. Renzi Guastalla, prof. P. Rossi, prof. F. Rossi Landi, prof. L. Saffirio, prof. T. Seppilli, prof. S. Somogyi, prof.ssa M. Talamo Danieli.
Problemi giuridici, medici, sociologici in materia di circolazione stradale
The most urgent Problems in reforming the Regulation of Road Traffic
Report of the Study Committee (*) - 1963 - 31 pages
Following the research undertaken into the problems connected with road traffic offences (see entry No. 69) the relevant Committee of the Centro, in this Volume, examines certain juridical implications on this subject, as well as others in the social-public health field. Special attention is given to the dangerous consequences of unlawful conduct by road traffic offenders.
Chairman’s Report - The negligent offender (S. Messina) - Urgency of reform of custodial penalties for infractions (M. Duni) - Critical comments (D. Guerreri) - Thoughts on the proposal of a special form of execution of sentences for road traffic offences (L. Geraci) - Execution of custodial sentences and treatment of the offender for offences on the road (A. Garofalo).
(*) For the composition of the Committee see the note to entry No. 69.
Problemi della corte d’Assise
Proceedings of the Study Conference held at Naples, Italy, 19th-21th January 1963
No..3, Collection of Study Conferences «Enrico de Nicola - Current Problems in Criminal Law and Procedure»
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1964 - 438 pages
The rules «de iure condito» and «de iure condendo» were examined by the scholars participating in the third «de Nicola» Conference dealing with problems concerning the Italian Court of Assizes. Attention was also given to legislation in other countries, with special attention being given to the question of lay magistrates.
The Court of Assizes. Comparative Law notes (N. Fini) - The Court of Assizes (E. Altavilla) - Observations on the reform of the Court of Assizes (A. Foschini) - The problem of the Court of Assizes (P. Pannain) - The Court hearing the most serious offences (U. Pioletti) - Perspectives of a new Court of Assizes system. Thoughts of a practitioner (R. Sanna Randaccio). Study and choice of system (U. Terracini) - Current system and reform proposals (composition of the College of judiciary) (P. Curatolo) - Reflections on the decisions of the Court of Assizes and reform proposals (G.L. Cavalla) - The Court of Assizes and the criminological study of personality (G. Guadagno) - The personality of the accused in proceedings in the Court of Assizes (D. Macaggi) - Expert medical-legal evidence in proceedings in the Court of Assizes (G. Canepa) - Women in the Court of Assizes College (F.P. Bonifacio) - Women in the Court of Assizes Colleges (L. Geraci) - The President of the Court (G. Foschini) - The examination of witnesses in Court of Assizes proceedings (D. De Gennaro) - Composition of the College of the Court of Assizes (A. Garofalo-G. Altavista) - The problem of jurisdiction in the reform of the Court of Assizes (A. De Mattia) - The jurisdiction of the Court of Assizes especially in regard to political offences (G. Funaro) - Appeals in the Court of Assizes (A. Dall’Ora).
Alcuni problemi sui diritti della personalità
Reports presented at the 2nd Italo-Yugoslav Juridical Conference, promoted by the Yugoslav Union of Jurists Associations and by the Juridical Section of CNPDS, Rome-Florence-Milan-Como, Italy, 7th-16th May 1963
The volume also contains studies on the Yugoslav Constitution and legislative judicial safeguards in relation to the Administration’s activities under both systems
Ed. Giuffrè - Milan - 1964  - 171 pages
The second Meeting of Italian and Yugoslav jurists concentrated on a comparative study of the legislation of the two countries on questions of rights of personality, in the civil law, criminal law and administrative contexts.
Civil law aspects of the protection of rights of personality in the Italian system (G. Pugliese) - The protection of personality in civil law and administrative law in Yugoslavia (A. Finzgar) - Criminal law aspects of the protection of rights of personality in the Italian system (G. Vassalli) - Protection of the rights of personality in Yugoslav Criminal Law, with special reference to rights belonging to man’s personal sphere (N. Srzentic) - Fundamental features of the new Yugoslav Constitution (J. Djordjevic) - Constitutional problems of justice in Italian administrations (C. Bozzi) - Judicial control of the lawfulness of activities of the Administration in Yugoslavia (D. Sesardic) - Execution of sentences and the prevention of recidivism in its various forms (P. Nuvolone).
Il Polesine, squilibri regionali e politica di piano: un’area di fuga
nell’Italia settentrionale
Proceedings of the Study Conference promoted and organized by CNPDS,
the Communal Authorities of Rovigo and the Association of Institutions for
Regional Studies
Rovigo, Italy, 11th - 16th June 1963
Edizioni di Comunità - Milan - 1964 - 263 pages
Problems in the field of regional inequalities prompted the research which was pursued by this Conference. Consideration was given to the situation in the Polesine, as an area of population flight in Northern Italy. The situation was studied in its developing aspects in the face of the social problems which abound there.
Regional inequalities and planning policy (M. Ferrari Aggradi) - Trends for a new policy of development in the Polesine area (I. Gasparini) - Construction of models providing for internal emigration (M. Allione) - The Polesine, an area
of population flight in Northern Italy (A. Ardigò) - The social-economic organ­-iz­ation of a comprehensive intervention policy (A. Detragiache). Framework of methodological reference and models of exodus from the countryside (T. Seppilli) - Ideas and orientations for a development policy for the Polesine (F. Guindani) - Current agricultural situation in the Polesine (D. Marchiori) - On the problems of social and economic development in the Polesine (A. Framba and others) - The problems of juvenile maladjustment in the development plan for the Polesine (C. Coppola) - Scholastic teaching, professional training, use of leisure time, inter-association of young people (D. Ostiglio Bego and others) - Professional training and technical assistance (S. Zennaro).
Les circonstances aggravantes en droit pénal
Report of CNPDS presented by the Italian Group of AIDP at the IXth International Congress of the International Association of Penal Law
The Hague, The Netherlands, 24th-29th August 1964
Ed. Cujas - Paris - 1964 - 172 pages
The Report embodied in the present Volume, by means of papers on the various subjects, provides an in-depth analysis, dealing with issues «de jure condendo», and rules governing the question of aggravating circumstances, in the precise and broader senses, under the Criminal Law system.
Aggravating circumstances other than recidivism and simultaneous offences
(P. Nuvolone) - Aggravating circumstances involved in simultaneous offences (G. Azzali) - Relationship «de jure condito» and «de jure condendo», as between Arts. 133 and 61 of the Penal Code (S. Borghese) - Undefined aggravating circumstances (F. Bricola) - The principle of legality and the principle of discretionary power in the rule controlled by Art. 69 of the Penal Code (G. Majani) - For a general theory of circumstances based on the personality of the active subject of the crime (A. Malinverni) - The procedural regulation of aggravating circumstances (M. Pisani).


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