A four-monthly Journal, founded by Renato Treves and edited by the University of Milan, the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" and the CNPDS Foundation (Franco Angeli Editore, Milan)
Editorial Committee:
Luigi Alfieri, Vincenzo Ferrari, Guido Maggioni, Letizia Mancini, Valerio Pocar, Paola Ronfani.
Guarantee Committee:
J. Commaille, A.G. Conte, A. Cottino, R. De Giorgi, E. Diaz, Al Febbrajo, L.M. Friedman, M. Jori, B. Maggi, P. Marconi, D. Nelken, E. Resta, B. de Sousa Santos, J. Van Houtte.
Vincenzo Ferrari
Editorial Managing Committee:
L. Alfieri, P. Di Lucia, V. Ferrari, E. Fittipaldi, G. Maggioni, L. Mancini, M. P. Mittica, L. Pannarale, V. Pocar, P. Ronfani, M. Verga.
Scientific Council:
S. Andrini, F. Belvisi, L. D'Alessandro, A. Facchi, C. Faralli, A.R. Favretto, M. R. Ferrarese, A. Giasanti, C. Luzzati, R. Marra, M. Masia, D. Melossi, G. Mosconi, V. Olgiati, S. Pellegrini, C. Pennisi, T. Pitch, F. Prina, M. Raiteri, M.C. Relaie, O. Roselli, A. Rufino, E. Santoro, C. Sarzotti.
Joxerramon Bengoetxea (San Sebastian), Celso Campilongo (São Paulo), Wanda Capeller (Toulouse), Angélica Cuéllar Vázquez (Mexico City), Javier de Lucas Martín (Valencia), Maria José Fariñas (Madrid), Flora Di Donato (Neuchâtel), Edmundo Fuenzalida (Santiago), Bernard Hubeau (Antwerp), Håkan Hydén (Lund), Dimitri Kalogeropoulos (Bruxelles), Jacek Kuraczewski (Warsaw), Carlos Lista (Córdoba), Angela Melville (Adelaide), Masayuki Murayama (Tokyo), Stephan Parmentier (Louvain), Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo (Caracas), Sofia Popescu (Bucarest), Eleni Rethimiotaki (Athens), Edwige Rude-Antoine (Paris), Samir Naim Ahmed (Cairo), Ulrike Schultz (Hagen), Germán Silva García (Bogotá), Lisa Webley (London) Csaba Varga (Budapest).
Editorial Board:
Edoardo Fittipaldi e Massimiliano Verga (co-editors in chief); Barbara G. Bello, Lucia Bellucci, Roberta Bosisio, Luigi Cominelli, Roberta Dameno, Ivan Pupolizio, Isabella Quadrelli, Marco A. Quiroz Vitale.
The Review represents Italian sociology of law in its various schools and theoretical-methodological currents. Additionally, it provides an on-going forum for international comparisons and exchanges, thanks to its relations with scholars in many countries inside and outside of Europe, to the network it forms with three foreign Reviews (Droit et Société, Journal of Law and Society and Revue Interdisciplinaire d’Etudes Juridiques) and to its institutional collaboration with the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at Oñati.
The Review, which reaches a wide readership, welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions from Italy and abroad on a multitude of subjects, which are also of direct socio-political relevance.
From time to time it publishes monographic issues, including, in recent years, those devoted to transnational law (1/1993), the relationship between sociology of law and contemporary history of law (3/1996) and to juridical anthropology (3/1999), which have also been adopted as university text-books.
Journal of the International Society of Social Defence and Humane Criminal Policy – ISSD (*)
S. Manacorda
Editorial Committee:
E. Bruti Liberati, A. Ceretti, L. Foffani, A. Nieto, S. Salomao Shecaira, G. Tamburino, F. Viganò
Editorial Secretariat
J. Tricot, M. Muñoz de Morales
The Cahiers, which arose as a bulletin of the International Society of Social Defence, was founded in 1955. The publication has been directed from 1994 to 2009 by Professor Mario Pisani. Since 2010 Professor Stefano Manacorda is the Director of the publication and the issues are available as online publication.
(*) ISSD Board:
Président d’honneur
S. Rozès
Luis Arroyo Zapatero
L. Foffani
A. Nieto, M. M. Scoletta
L. Aniyar de Castro, P. Bernasconi, P.-H. Bolle, P. J. da Costa, P. R. David, J. de Figueiredo Dias, S. Garcia Ramirez, S. Manacorda, O. Nikura, R. Ottenhof, L. Rodriguez Manzanera, U. Sieber, R. Mihaela Stanoiu, K. Tiedemann, C. Vouyoucas, E. R. Zaffaroni
Regional Secretaries-General:
for Africa: M. Ben El Mahi
for Latin America: C. Lascano, J. P. Matus, M. Ontiveros Alonso, S. Shecaira
for North America: S. Babcock, H. Dumont, W. S. Laufer
for Europe: A. Miranda Rodrigues, J. Tricot
for Asia: L. Jianping, K. Takayama
M. Abdel Wahed, M. Aebi, A. Alvarado Urízar, C. Beria di Argentine, A. Bernardi, L. Bavcon, P. Busato, D. Cassel, A. Ceretti, J. L. de la Cuesta, S. Cuarezma, M. Delmas Marty, J. El Khouri, V. Ermakov, M. Espinoza de los Monteros de la Parra, V. Fanchiotti, P. Faraldo, A. Getos, G. Giudicelli-Delage, G. B. Gramatica, J. L. Guzmán Dálbora, G. Hill, Z. Kanduc, R. Lahti, C. Lazerges, F. Mazzacuva, R. Nuzzo, S. Parmentier, M. Pieth, A. O. Perez Pinzón, L. Pomodoro, L. R. Prado, M. Riquert, J. Terradillos, A. Tsitsoura, E. Viano, F. Viganò, M. Villegas, S. Wu
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